Chapter 12

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"Hwang Yeji!"

It was him. Min. How did he find me here?

"W-Who's that?" Lia asked sheepishly.

"It's Min. My ex." I said, rolling my eyes. How does he manage to find me everywhere? I braced myself as I heard Min storm towards us. He threw his fist on the table, causing a commotion. He grabbed my wrist and I winced in pain.

He looked right into my eyes. I was annoyed. Not annoyed by the fact that he was here but by the fact that he ruined my morning that I was supposed to spend with Lia. I looked away from him and towards Lia. Fear was in her eyes. The exact same fear as when I first met her. My heart hurt. Not for myself but for her. I could see both the fear and worry in her eyes. But she doesn't have to worry.  I promised to protect her with all my being.

"You!" Min pointed at Lia. She flinched. "Stay here while I take Yeji out for a talk." He dragged me out. I fixed my gaze on Lia, who watched as I helplessly got dragged by Min. I'm so sorry my Lia. I'm sorry to make you have to worry for me. Again and again.

"Why haven't you been answering my calls?!" It was so quiet and Min had to ruin the silence.

"Why can't I? It's my decision. You don't own me, do you?" Min raised his fist, ready to throw it at me.

"Oh? You want to hit me? Go ahead. Let the whole world see what a jerk you are. I'm so done with you and your manipulation." I glared at Min. "I was a fool to stick with you. To trust you. If I could turn back time, I would never have wanted to date you in the first place-" Min's hand slapped across my face.

"Don't you dare talk to me with that tone, Hwang Yeji. You know I don't like it when you talk to me like that."

"And I will talk to you like this. You don't take control of me-" Min raised his hand again but I caught it before he could land another slap on me. "Wow, is that all you can do now? Hit girls? That doesn't make you strong. It makes you look like a coward. Violence and abuse. Anyway, you're wasting my time. I came here for a good breakfast and you already ruined it." I thrusted his hand away. I sneered as I turned my back towards him and walked back into the cafe.

"You won't get away with this Hwang Yeji!" Min shouted.

"You're sounding like a mad man, Park Min. Give it up already." I shouted back.

Just when I was about to step foot into the cafe, my hand was forcefully yanked back. I was losing my cool. "Let me go." I warned.

"Tell me. Why are you being so difficult?!"

"Me? Who's the one that's constantly bugging me, calling me at least 5 times a day and ringing my door bell every single day? I've already told you, we are over. Stop being such a possessive ex and move on. Can't you see I've already moved on?"

"Move on with who? That nerd? Ha, come on. I'm so much better than she is. You're just wasting your time when you can have a handsome boyfriend like me unlike that ugly nerd like that girl back there."

Ugly? Nobody calls my Lia ugly.

I raised my hand and curled it into a fist. I threw a punch at Min, sending him flying onto the concrete ground. His face scrapped across the ground.

"If you're looking at ugly, look at yourself and your personality. There's no point being handsome or pretty when your personality is utter bullshit. You're handsome, so what? Your personality isn't. That just makes you an ugly person overall."

Min glared at me. He was speechless. Blood was forming on the side of his face. Deserved. He tried to get up but was stopped by the pain. He winced in pain. I clicked my tongue and walked back into the cafe with Min still lying on the ground, groaning in both frustration and pain.

When I saw Lia, my mood was lifted. She stood up and jogged towards me.

"Are you okay?" She was clearly worried. "Did he do anything bad to you?" She scanned my arms and my legs for any bruises. Lia saw the bruise on my fist and gasped.

"What did he do to your beautiful hand?!"

I smiled. "He didn't do anything. I punched him." Lia gasped even louder.

"I-Is he okay?"

"I don't know. Let's just go back to our table. I've wasted all my energy on that jerk. I'm hungry." Lia chuckled.

"When were you never hungry?" I playfully punched her in the shoulder.


We finished our breakfast and I sent Lia back home. I smiled at her as we waved goodbye. Walking home, I was thinking about what the hell happened at the cafe. What a dramatic morning. Will the day get worse? I was expecting the unexpected.


The whole day I was receiving calls from multiple unknown numbers. I had a strong feeling it was Min. Hence I didn't bother picking up. That was when the anonymous messages came in..

 That was when the anonymous messages came in

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At this point, I was irritated. I screenshotted the anonymous texts and sent them to Ryujin.

 I screenshotted the anonymous texts and sent them to Ryujin

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I was furious at the mastermind behind these death threats

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I was furious at the mastermind behind these death threats. Nobody threatens me with these death threats unless they're looking for death themselves.

I just hope that Chaeyeon unnie will do what she can. She's great and unfolding these mysteries.

Also, Chaeyeon unnie is an amazing dancer. You should see how she dances. So full of elegance and beauty. The way her hair moves around too when she dances. It's no wonder everytime she's on stage, she never fails to amaze the audience. She's my inspiration.

Back to the topic, I'll make sure to keep Lia safe no matter what. It's my job as her girlfriend and bodyguard. She's fragile and needs someone like me to keep her safe and protected from the threats that are coming her way.

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