Chapter Eighteen

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The day passed fairly uneventfully after my run in with Christian. He left with Sam and some of the other guys to take care of something. I wasn't sure what it was they were doing, but then again, I was never privy to that sort of information. And, yeah, it pissed me off. That's something Christian never understood. He never shared club business with me, unlike some of the other club members who talk stuff through with their old ladies. I had wanted to be involved in Christians life fully and that meant club life as well. I didn't expect to be told everything, but to be told nothing kind of hurt. It made me feel like I was only a part of some of Christians life.

Hanging out at the clubhouse for most of the morning, I caught up with friends I hadn't seen in years. I have also finally met Lexi, Sam's old lady. After only hearing bits from Sam over the phone of what she and him went through last year, hearing it from her just made me realise how crazy it all was. From being sold by her own family to a human traffic ring, to Sam risking life and death to get her back. I have a new found of respect for my brother, not that I would tell him that. We talked about everything, including impending birth of hers and Sam's baby. I loved that aspect  of the club life, the social side. These were my people; I had grown up here and felt totally comfortable. I loved living in Cali but there was something peaceful about coming home to where I was accepted and loved without reservation.

After lunch, I decided to head out and finally visit my mum. My parents lived about ten minutes away so one of the guys followed me as I rode round. As I pulled up to the house, I was hit with the memories of growing up. Mum and dad had given Sam and I a good life. We had been surrounded by lots of love in the form of club family. I remembered tons of get togethers with the boys and their families; parties, barbeques, you name it, my mum was always organising something. My dad may have been the club president, but my mother played a huge part in keeping it all together and running smoothly. I didn't know how aware she was of the day-to-day business of the club but I truly believed that she was the strong woman who stood behind my father and supported him in everything he did.

 I didn't know how aware she was of the day-to-day business of the club but I truly believed that she was the strong woman who stood behind my father and supported him in everything he did

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Sophia Jones was a woman who most people tried not to mess with. She was a hard-as-nails, straight-up, ballsy woman who loved fiercely. She didn't grow up round the club like my father did, in fact my father saved her from an old rival gang years ago. She was trapped in an abusive relationship with the President of the club, my father made a deal with her to save her life. The deal was that she carrying on his legacy and give him a son, in return, he will kill all those that posed a threat to her. Although the ordeal took nearly twelve years, my father made sure she was safe. Then returned home to my mother and brother. They had been through a lot and had to build the brotherhood up to the club that is was today: a force to be reckoned with. The Brotherhood had a reputation for getting the job done and it was a club that others didn't fuck with, although that reputation had really only come about over the last couple of years.

Even though I hadn't had much to do with The Brotherhood since I left, I had heard whisperings from friends about the length the club would go to in order to protect its business dealings, its members and loved ones. As much as I wasn't aware of within the club, I wasn't naïve; I had seen enough to know there was a lot of violence involved, and it seemed that this had only intensified. I struggled with that when I dated Christian; with being the clubs enforcer, he had sometimes come home bloodied and bruised, and when I asked about it, he always told me it was club business and I didn't need to know. Thinking about my mother, I wondered how she dealt with that side of The Brotherhood. We had never talked about it but perhaps it was something I needed to ask her; perhaps learning how to deal with it would help me move past what had happened with Rob.

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