Chapter Thirty

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Christian and I settled into a routine over the next couple of months. Roxy no longer seemed to be a threat so life went on as normal. While still his usual bossy self, Christian backed off a little and gave me some space, which helped cement our relationship further. He dropped me off at work and picked me up when I was finished each day, while he took care of club business. Some days we also managed to get lunch together. Our nights were filled with time rebuilding our relationship. Some night he got called out for club business, but thankfully, those nights weren't too often.

It was the weekends that I lived for. Christian was around for most of them, and along with spending time with our family and friends, we devoted a lot of time to just the two of us. When he said he would do the work to rebuild our relationship he'd been telling the truth, and I was the happiest I had ever been.

I was also trying hard to be a better girlfriend. This was hard sometimes, because Christian still refused to tell me much about club business. And it still pissed me off. Mostly though, I managed to keep my mouth shut and not argue with him about it. I was still hopeful that over time, he would come around.

Shelly was doing okay. Christian and I spent a lot of time with her and Megan, and I was surprised at how well we were all getting along. We regularly helped Megan out, looking after Shelly so she could have some time to herself. We were all still in shock that Kelly was gone, and navigating our way through the grief tied us all together.

It was a Tuesday afternoon that my bubble burst.

It was a Tuesday afternoon that my bubble burst

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"I'm going to head out, Jazz. You okay to lock up?" Caleb called over his shoulder.

"I'll be fine, Christian will be here soon, so I might hit the bag until he gets here."

He smiles that storm boy smile, "We still need to have a match."

"Yeah, sure. Just not today, I don't want you showing up to your date black and blue, then have to explain to her how you got beat up by a girl." I laughed.

He rubs the back of his neck, "Rain check then, see you tomorrow."

I turn back around and get my straps, hearing the door close as Caleb leaves the building. A couple of seconds later I hear it open again, "What did you forget this time?" I turn around and come face to face with my past.

 A couple of seconds later I hear it open again, "What did you forget this time?" I turn around and come face to face with my past

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"Roxy." I sucked in a breath, and fear sliced through me. The crazy look in her eyes scared the shit out of me, and my hand automatically reached for the phone to ring Christian.

As far as I knew, Roxy had disappeared and the club no longer considered her a threat. How wrong they had been about that.

"Don't!" she screamed. I dropped my hand. My heart rate picked up and my legs felt shaky. The room began to close in on me as I waited for her next move.

She stalked to where I was, not stopping until she was in my personal space. Her nostrils flared and I watched the veins popping in her neck. She jabbed a finger at my chest, the force making me momentarily lose balance. "Blake's death is fucking on you, bitch! The day he met you, his death warrant was signed, and I'm going to fucking make you pay!" She screeched her warning.

Not often in life was I rendered speechless. It was, however, one of those times. My immediate reaction was to fight, but I quickly moved through scenarios of how that could play out, specially with the nine millimetre sticking out of her jacket. So I decided against it. Assessing her, I thought she was probably high, and that was not a good thing to go up against. Thank goodness there were no gym members or other staff in the store for her to threaten.

 Thank goodness there were no gym members or other staff in the store for her to threaten

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I didn't have to wait long to see what she would so next. She glared at me, daggers in her look, and then she shoved me backwards, and turned and strode to the door.

Before she closed the door, she shot one last threat at me, "You better watch you back, cunt. You've got no fucking idea!" And then she left.

I almost collapsed, my legs weak. My breathing all over the place, I struggled to get that under control while I rummaged under the counter for the front door keys.

My agenda only had two things on it: lock the door and call Christian.

"Babe, I'm kinda busy right now," he answered with that impatient tone he sometimes used on me. And that just served to piss me off. Being pissed off I could handle. It was an emotion I welcomed any day over terror.

"Yeah, well babe, I think you might want to stop what you're doing and listen the fuck up."

yeah, fear had definitely left and anger had walked right on in, and settled herself down.

"What the fuck, Jasmine?" It was Christians turn to get shitty.

"I've just had a visit from Roxy," I threw it out there, and waited for it to wrap itself around his head.

"Fuck!" he bellowed, and I had to hold the phone away from my ear for a moment. "Are you okay?" Even though his voice was still angry, I heard the softness for me in there, melting some of my anger away.

"Yeah, baby, but I need you. Can you come now?"

"I'm already on my way," he said, and the relief hit me like a gush of wind.

"Thank you," I breathed out, my anger dispersing with it.

We ended the call and I waited for him. My mind raced with crazy thoughts threaded with fear.

And then it hit me.


I needed a drink.

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