Flashback - Part One

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*Ally's Pov* (Flashback four years ago) (Ally is thirteen)

"Allyson! Your father has come to pick you up," mom shouted through the silent corridor, and I hear sissy's wines echo of the walls.

"Why can't I come, too? I'll be good, and Ally can watch me!" Kate begged, giving her best puppy dog face to mom. I can't help but giggle. Kate has always been one for charming mom when it comes to no's, but I doubt today will be an exception. Mom's pleading eyes meet with mine, and I understand with a nod of my head.

"Kate, I'll be back tonight. I promise you we can play dress up when I get back, kay?" I kneel down to her size, and she wraps her small arms around my neck. She was a cutie, and I love her dearly.

"Fine," she pouts, but flashes me a smile before running to pick up her stuffed elephant she calls Mr. Stuffy.

When she is out of the room, I notice mom standing with a sorrowful expression plastered on her face.

"Have fun, and tell me about it when you get home, okay? Oh, and the leftovers will be in the oven if you get hungry when you get back," she walks me to the door, and before I walk out, I give her a hug and assure her that I will have a great time.

A maroon Sudan is parked in the driveway, and I walk over to it, and I open the passenger door. But, I stop when I notice a woman sitting in my spot.

She reminded me a lot of myself, actually. The same wavy blonde hair that I had, and it fell behind her firm shoulders. She was very thin, and had a curvy figure, almost like me. Pale skin, and caved in cheek bones. A finely chiseled face that seemed to fit her perfectly. She was wearing an ivory gown that reached her feet, and tightly clung to her body. The neck line was low, but white lace took the place. The sleeves were also made of white lace, which matched her shiny stiletto strap on heels that had a jewlel in the center.

"Who are you?" I suppose it came out rather rudely, but could you blame me? My father was coming to pick me up for our day together to bond, not bring another blonde barbie home.

She looks hurt, but then quickly covers it up with a smile.

"Olivia. You must be John's daughter," she reaches out her hand for me to shake, but I stand still, glued to the spot on the concrete driveway.

"Obviously. Your sort of in my spot," I motion the whole passenger seat, and she glances back at my father, who looks nervous.

"Ally, listen," he begins, "There has been a change in plans."

I roll my eyes sarcastically. Obviously this barbie is more important to him than me. The ladies have always came first. I guess they always will.

Olivia is staring at me with . . . recognition?

I have never seen her before now, but yet I feel weirdly connected to her, like she knows me. Crazy, right?

Little did I know, it wasn't that crazy after all.

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