Chapter 3: Sharing Findings and Finding a Plan

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(Read description for trigger warning)
Todoroki called Uraraka and Iida right after what he overheard and set up a place for them to meet and share what they found.

Thirty minutes later found the three superheroes in training in a booth at a cafe.

"I, unfortunately, lost him pretty quickly. And I got nothing to report because of that." Uraraka stated being the first to go.

Iida adjusted his glasses, "Neither teacher was able to shed any light on the subject or our questions. However, both did said they would look into it."

"Well I heard a conversation between Bakugo and Midoriya. Midoriya stated that someone he knew was out of prison and Bakugo got really mad, apparently Bakugo believes this person's a danger towards Midoriya."

Uraraka and Iida gasped, it was a change in conversation. The mystery around Izuku's sperm donor (father) would be put aside in light of the new, more imminent, threat.

"We need to tell the teachers!" Uraraka breathed.

Iida nodded in agreement and so Todoroki shared the new plan.

"Uraraka, tomorrow you will continue to try to talk to Izuku. Find out any information you can, but try not to ask him out right. Iida, you'll be telling the teachers what I heard. I'll look online for information on prisons in the area, there might be something out there on recently released or escaped convicts. We all have to make sure that Midoriya is safe though, keep an eye on him."

They other two nodded grimly, as hero's and as friends they would not allow this unknown threat to deal any harm to their friend.

For if this person made even Bakugo worried for Izuku, it can't be anything good.

~Time Skip~
~Uraraka's POV~

Uraraka never wanted to allow to much worry to swallow her up. It came close sometimes with the situation at her house and the way money seemed to be taken so quickly. But with the support of her family she has been able to keep her head above water.

Then, when she joined UA her support group seemed to grow, and while not many students knew of her family's financial problems, they all still believed in her, Midoriya most of all.

The past days had brought many shocking developments forward about her green haired friend. She worried that the only reason she didn't know more answers then questions was because he didn't see her as part of his support group when he was such a crucial member of hers.

She knew she just had to prove him wrong and gain his trust. But first she had to keep him safe from a threat she knew nothing about.

That's why the first thing she did when arriving on campus was to go up to Midoriya and start on her part of the mission.

"Hey Deku, how are you today?"

He grinned at her, "Great! What about you?"

Uraraka hummed, "Very good! My mother got the promotion she was looking for, any big news in your life?"

"That's great news, Uraraka. Though nothing big has happened recently for me."

Uraraka's smile dimmed slightly. She knew that was a lie, by what she heard about the conversation between him and Bakugo from Shouto, he had gotten big news. It just wasn't necessarily good news.

~Iida's POV~

This time Iida was able to find both teachers at once right outside of the teacher's break room.


"It's about Midoriya again, sensei's."

Aizawa looked up from his juice pouch, "Is this about his father again?"

Iida shook his head, "No, we, well Todoroki, overheard a conversation between Midoriya and Bakugo. Apparently someone from Izuku's past has escaped from prison. By what Shouto gathered this person had hurt Midoriya and Bakugo was worried about him."

The teachers gazes seemed to harden, All Might's smile became more strained. "THANK YOU FOR BRINGING THIS TO OUR ATTENTION. WE WILL TAKE OVER FROM HERE, YOU THREE JUST ACT NORMAL."

Iida nodded and left the teachers to go to class.
At long last a chapter! Sorry it took so long but I've spent most of today fixing it up and with all the time I spend at home I'll try to give you guys some more updates.
Stay healthy!

(The one with the gold mask is my sister, I have the hoodie

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(The one with the gold mask is my sister, I have the hoodie. No faces revealed though!)

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