1- The project

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*Jordon's pov*

I tighted my jacket more securly around my torso and hastened my pace to my best friend Crystals house. The dark rain clouds looked like gigantic grey pillows in the sky. The wind was blowing which cause my blonde ponytail to whip and twirl behind me. I ran up the steps to Crystals two story tan house. I knocked on the door even though I practially lived there. After a few moments Crystal's mom opened the door.

"Hi Ms. Shanon." I greeted her as she let me into their house.

"Hi Jordon. Crystal's upstairs doing who knows what." She replied.

"Okay thank you." I said and jogged upstairs. I walked into her room.

"Sup Cris." I said and jumped onto her bed where she was currently sitting on while typing on her laptop.

"Hey. So for school we have to do a project and we need 3 people so we just need 1 more person." She explained. Crystal an I have been online schooled scince 5th grade do to being bullied in all of 4th grade.

"Did you hit the find people button?" I asked while taking off my jacket and putting it on her desk chair.

"No, I was wating for you to get here so we could find people together."

"Click it now." I scooted up next to her and examined the laptop screen. She clicked it and I was the first option to show up. We veiwed some people's profiles for about 10 minutes until we came across somebody named Trevor Moran.

"What about him?" I asked pointing to his profile picture. May I just point out, he was quite attractive.   

"Trevor Moran... Okay. Lets message him." She said going to the message button. "What should we say?" Crystal asked thinking along with me.

"Here let me see it. "I said and slid the computer into my lap. "What about just like we need another partner for our project. Want to join?" I typed in and made sure it looked okay and ran it by my best friend. I clicked send.

"Okay now we wait." She said and Set the computer to the side of the bed. She sat facing across from me.

"So how has your day been?"

I thought of what too say. "Well you know the normal Jordon life. I got up and ate, then I got ready and watched some netflix. Oh! I updated my Wattpad book too and now I'm here! How has yours been?" I asked.

"Pretty good I guess. I read and took a shower and I went to the store with my mom but thats about it." We had such interesting lives.

"That sounds fun. Anywa-" I was cut off by the laptop dinging. Trevor messaged back. It said Sure! We need to meet! Thanks for messaging me I needed a group too. Lets meet tomorrow. You pick were.

"HEY MOMMMMM!!!" Crystal shouted. She came in moments later.


"Can we go meet a stranger tomorrow at an unknown place not knowing if he's a real person or not?" I asked. She looked puzzeled.

"Okay let me rephrase that." Crystal said. "Were doing a project for school and we needed a group of 3 so we messaged a guy and he's willing too so we just need to meet him. Is it cool with you?"

"Sure I'll drop you say about like 1:00 tomorrow. Where am I taking you?" She asked.

"In n out? The one near lake." I suggested. The both nodded then I asked Trevor if that was cool. He said it was so it was set.

"Jordon! Get your butt up!" My mom yelled ripping the covers off of me making my skin cover with goosebums and make me curl into a ball.

"No!" I yelled back.

"But its like 11:00 and you have to meet with that guy today!" Oh yea!

"Fine give me a minute." I replied and waited until I heard the door close. I peeked one eye open the got up. I streched and then walked to the bathroom in my room. I took a shower and then got out and blow dried my hair. I put on a thick layer of mascara and eyeliner then wlked out to get my straightener. I flat-irond my hair and then walked to my closet. Yep I did all of that naked. I picked out a nirvana tee and black ripped skinny jeans with black converse high tops. Yeah i'm one of those people. I walked out of my room grabbing my phone and some money and my jacket.

"By mom!" I yelled walking out the door to Crystal's house.

 When I got there I knocked on the door waited a moment then walked in. I practically lived there anyway. I jogged up to Crystals room and opened the door.

"Crystal get up." I said and jumped on top of her small body.

"I can't." She said gasping for air. "Your to fat!" She said laughing and I got off of her also giggling.

"Bruh we have to be there soon!" I said. "In like an hour!" I yelled at her.  She groaned and got up.

"Wait why am I getting up?" She asked me dumbfounded. I face palmed and told her. "Oh yeah!" She said then went to her closet and pulled out a one direction shirt and skinny jeans. She put it on while i played on my phone. She went into the bathroom for about 10 minuets and came out looking fresh. Her beautiful brown hair was now not resembling a birds nest and the circles under her eyes were not visible any more.

"Good job. Now get some shoes on and lets go!" I said she got on white converse. We walked down stairs and saw her mom sitting there drinking some water.

"Ready girls?" She asked smiling. Crystal and her had the same pretty smile.

"Yea but I have to get my bag." Crystal said.

"What are you bringing?" I asked.

"A notebook to write down notes ad stuff like that. Also my money, and phone. Okay now were ready." She said.

"Then lets go!" Her mom said. We walked to their car and got in. 12:45. We'll be a bit early but that's okay. We drove to the fast food resturant and got out. After her mom left we walked in and got a booth. A few minutes later he showed up.


WHOA MAN.  So yea first chapter.... Updates coming!

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