a final note~

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i made this book (if you can even call it that) when i was in a very terrible place. i was mentally not okay. i was so tired. tired of life. i hope those who have read this all the way until now, understand that it's gonna be okay. i thought it wasn't possible and even almost chose suicide. please understand that it'll slowly get better. its been a year since my friends confronted me and told me to get help bc i was so mentally unwell. im still not completely okay, but im in a better place now, especially compared to last year. im trying. im trying my best to better myself for those around me. i still have a long ways to go. i still have to learn how to be confident and love myself. 

every time i updated this book, i was crying. i found comfort in reading and reading quotes. i also chose to share them with you. every time i updated this book i was having a mental breakdown. and i hope you, dear reader, will find your safe and happy place. 

- love, q

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