Professor? (Part 1) DRARRY

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Professor Potter was pretty well known as everyone's favorite professor. It's been 21 years since the war and he's still in great shape. Plenty of girls and boys have crushes on him. He teaches defense against the dark arts and he makes it fun for the students.

Professor Malfoy was just about the strictest professor ever he was a kind person but nobody dared act out in his class if they didn't want a detention and house points taken away. Surprisingly neither looked a day over 20.

They could frequently be seen together, in each other's classrooms, at dinner, even in the halls. No one truly understood how they were such good friends. They were just so different but after 15 years of teaching together and 15 years of this strange friendship no one truly questioned it. It was a normal occurrence for one to just casually stroll into the others classroom and ask increasingly strange questions. Today Professor Potter burst into the potions classroom screeching "THE BIRDS" and the always composed and perfect Professor Malfoy dropped a jar of newt eyes looked as though he would faint and shouted back, "THEY WORK FOR THE BOURGEOISIE!!" Everyone just stared at the two of them truly confused how this started.

One day a student had been going to Professor Potter's office when they heard strange noises. It wasn't unusual for him to be listening to music in his office so the student just went in. When he walked in he saw his professors, lips locked, generally looking disheveled. They only stopped when they heard a textbook drop. Quickly they jumped apart Professor Malfoy screaming "FUCK!" Professor Potter waved his hand and the student was shoved out and the door locked. Immediately the kid ran to spread the news. By morning every student had heard of their professors little make out session.

The next day neither of the professors showed up for class. So the students naturally turned to professor Longbottom. He tried to evade the questions all day when eventually he just nodded to the continuous questions about whether they were together. That was when the bets started. Everyone seemed to want to bet on how long they would last. Many were guessing quite low somewhere like 2 weeks but some were a bit more positive like 3 months the highest being 4 months. Many students could be seen going to each of their office none knowing that McGonagall had given the professors the rest of the week off to let rumors cool a bit.

~One shots~                                                       Harry PotterWhere stories live. Discover now