Spring Break Planning

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Tobin POV: As I'm handing the lady my ticket to scan, I felt my phone go off. I hurry and get on my plane and get situated. I pull out my phone, I have a few text messages. Couple from my mother to check to see if I made it to my flight (parents these days), and two from Christen. 
Christen>Tobin: Hope you made it to the airport safely!
Excited for spring break!!
I just completely made myself look like an idiot by smiling at my phone, "Ma'am, I'm gonna need you to put that up we're about to take off!". I just shake my head and text her back, "About to take off, I'll see you in a couple of weeks! Enjoy my hoodie!" I laugh and put my phone of airplane mode, and waited to get in the air. I don't know if I am ready to leave her, she's starting to mean something to me. I haven't felt like this in a really long time, ever since me and Shirley were together. That's a story for another time when I tell Christen, if we ever get to that point, I really like her, and I hope she likes me back. She's already starting to mean the world to me.

Christen POV: Tobin left and I'm not gonna lie I already miss her. I look on my bed and see her hoodie, I decided to put it on just to smell her. You're so weird I thought to my self but I didn't care, I miss her. I text her to make sure she made it to her flight, she texted me back and she's taking off, "Enjoy my hoodie!" replays in my head as I look down at her hoodie, she must be able to read my mind. I laugh and shrug it off and decide to call my parents just to check in on them and tell them about my spring break plans!! What I thought would be 5 minute call turned into an hour and a half FaceTime call. "We can't wait to meet tobin sweetheart!", Oh gosh they're wanting to meet her already??? I don't know how she'll feel about that but I'll talk to her about it. A couple of hours later I am laying on the couch and I hear my phone, I grab it and it says "Tobin <3 :)" would like to FaceTime, I quickly lay up and fix my hair and answer it. "Hello?", Hey you, how was your flight? "It was good, I have practice later. Coach wasn't pleased with our game against ya'll." she says. I think someone was distracted during the game anyways, they couldn't stop staring at me, I say as I wink. "Hahaha, very funny!!" We end up talking for hours and around the end of the phone call, I ask her who's flying where, "I've already booked your flight, you're flying to LA, and I'm picking you up from LAX, I fly in two days before you". My heart immediately skips a beat and I cannot stop smiling. 

Tobin POV: I hope she doesn't get upset for booking her flight and paying for it. "I'll pay you back when I see you, is a check okay? Or would you rather have cash?" she says. Oh gosh this might start an argument, you're not paying me back. I'm the one who asked if you'd like to spend spring break together, so it's all on me. I have a hotel and everything and also two beds so don't get worried about that. I look at my phone and her face is red, are you okay? I asked. "Yes, I've just never had someone who's done all that just for me." You're special to me I mumbled, "I'm what?" she says. Shit, she heard that, Nothing, hey I got to get ready for practice!! I'll text you when I get done I say. "Hahah, okaaaaayyy!!!, good luck, bye tobs!!"

Author's Note: Let me know what ya'll think about this one, I'm gonna try to write every night!! Thanks for reading!! Enjoy!

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