Chapter 5

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Jin's POV

Pulling over to the side of the road, I remove the sim card and battery. Then with one last silent goodbye to my dear friend, I step on it. Crushing it beyond repair. Glancing down at the shattered pieces of my old friend, before getting back into the car and driving off. I never thought I was one of those people that was attached to my phone but driving off felt like leaving a piece of myself.

"Are you sure that androids are unhackable?" I know she is tired of answering these questions, but I am already missing the cute phone cases. "I never said unhackable. Just that it is harder to hack. It is a bit harder to hack because there are so many more options for security than with iPhone. Also if you don't see this person often they won't know when you changed phones."

I hate to admit that she might be right. I see a lot of people every day and all of them see me on phone. I am always on my phone when I am not at my desk. Maybe I can get a phone of a similar size and shape. Grabbing our stuff from the car and walking the three or so blocks to the spot I need to meet my brother.

When we arrive at the meet-up spot and he wasn't there. However, there was an all black 2000 Ford mustang. I open the door and pull the keys from under the front seat and pop the trunk. Throwing our stuff in the trunk and jumping into the car to finish our ride.

"Where did you find a car this old in such great condition?" I smiled and looked over at her as I made my way towards our hideout. "It belongs to my brother V. He is a bit of a collector." The man had more cars than he needed even as a collector. I am not sure he is ever going to find a woman that wants to compete with his cars.

"I've been thinking and I think tomorrow you should be my new assistant." She looked at me like I had lost all rational thought before laughing. "I am not assistant material. I don't do schedules and filing and whatnot." She waved her hand dismissively as she spoke.

"Nothing wrong with being a personal assistant. It's honest work." Chuckling as she shook her head even harder. "Not if you're incompetent. That is not my thing." Nodding my head slowly then smiled. "Well do you have a better way of getting you to work in my office? I need someone to help me with the new phone." Rolling her eyes she pouted and said, "No, but I can show you how to work the phone and go back to my cubical."

"Yes, you could but I need you to be able to monitor my servers or whatever and I think it is easier from my floor." The look she gave me said I was suspect at best but she finally gave in. "But I am not dealing with people. I work where I do for a reason." She pouted as she turned away from me to look out the window again.

I noticed a slight blush on her face as she turned away. I can tell I make her nervous. Honestly, I like the way she looked with a blush staining her cheeks. I think I want to keep that look on her face. "Don't worry the only person you will be dealing with is me." Smiling I gently pet her knee and smiled as I continued on the way to my safe house.

Suga's property is way out on the border of the city. He has 40 acres and seven houses including his own. When we were younger we all wanted to live together on like a big compound. Over time we realized that it wasn't smart for us all to bed so close together. Sierra was asleep by the time we made it. There is no code or clicker to open this gate. Only an iris scanner. After looking into the scanner the gate opened and continued my driver to my cabin. It wasn't long before I carrying Sierra into the guest room and laying her on the bed. After bringing our bags in from the car I head to the master bedroom and go to sleep myself.

Sierra's POV

Waking up in an unfamiliar room in an unfamiliar bed, it takes a second for me to remember why. I notice my bag sitting in a chair next to the door. Next, it was my gut talking to me. I get up and grab my toiletry bag and leave the room to find the bathroom. I was lucky I didn't have to look far, it was a door across from the room I was in. After I freshen up a bit I return my things to my bag in the room.

I might not have morning breath but I did have a grumbly tummy. The house was an open concept, so finding the kitchen was easy. I checked all the cabinets to see what I could find. There was almost nothing here like he was never here. Grabbing a bowl, spoon, milk, and box of cereal. I quietly ate and wondered where Jin was. He had basically kidnapped and no he was nowhere to be found. I finished eating was washed my dishes when he decided to grace me with his presence.  

Jin's POV

"Good morning Sierra. Do you normally raid people's kitchens?" Smiling she nods her head as she continues with her clean-up. "Yes, I do. Especially if I was brought here against my better judgment. Besides where I am from a talking tummy could get you killed or worse." Where the hell is she from where hunger is a crime punishable by death. It hit me that I really don't know a thing about the woman in front of me.

Trying to keep it light but still wanting to know, I smiled as I asked her. "So where is this place that punishes hunger with death?" Something in me just wants to keep her as far from there as possible. She sat next to me but smiled. "I'm sure nosey can get you killed anywhere." Even though she was smiling it didn't quite reach her eyes. "So when can I go home?" I let it pass that she didn't answer the question. "We will go to Suga's and work on the bugs and then I'll take you home to grab some things. But I think you should stay with me here until we can determine the extent of what's going on." She didn't seem to like that answer very much but she didn't fight me on it.

"IS there a problem?" Might as well get whatever is bothering her out of the way so she can do her best. "Yes, my baby is home alone right now. I really would like to get him first."

Her baby? When the hell did she have a kid and why the hell is it home alone. Why didn't she make a bigger deal of going home yesterday? "Why didn't you say you had a kid at home alone last night? Why the hell would you leave a kid home alone?" Nothing and I mean nothing bothered me more than neglectful parents. Kids don't ask to be born and as a parent, you need to love and care for them properly.

I did not attempt to keep the look of contempt off of my face or out of my voice. I don't care if it hurts her feelings or not. I want nothing to do with a woman that puts anything above her kid. "His name is Sampson and he is my bully. I love him like he was my child. I would never leave a baby by themselves. I would have made you wait or simply told you no."

I no longer think she is a bad mother but she must have some issues if she is taking care of her abuser. "Who takes care of their bully?" She looks at me like I have grown a second head. "A bully is no different than I child. It's still a lifetime commitment."

"The question is who doesn't? He needs love too and he's nonviolent." Nonviolent? What the hell? "Ma'am the very definition of the word bully implies violence. What is wrong with you?" I watch as different emotions cross her face. There is something wrong with me. I know now isn't the time but all I can think about is if this means she likes it rough.

Her face finally settles on confusion. "What the hell are you talking about? Not bully my abuser. American Bully my dog. What kind of weirdo takes care of their bully? I need to go get him and if he can't come I can't help you." 

A/N: Hello beautiful people. I apologize for the late update. It has been hectic over here. I will do my best to get more out soon. Remember that you are important and should take time for yourself. 

"You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough." Jin

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