Chapter Five

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As I walked up to the two of them, I just happened to catch the very end of their conversation.

"It's been quite the while since we've had you over for dinner, if you are not previously engaged, would you like to join us tonight?" It was as if Papa asked him just to spite me.

I slowly approached the two of them, out of their line of sight, listening for Bash's response, even though I already knew what it was going to be.

"I do believe I would, Monsieur Lafleur. I have missed the two of you a great deal since my absence." Bash looked to his right, immediately meeting my gaze as if he had already known I was there, then grinned.

By all rights I shouldn't have even been there, I should have been on my way to the castle, to my almost certain demise. Yet instead, I was on my way home to have dinner with my father and a man I could hardly palate. We both knew I could not protest his invitation, nor could I tell Papa what Bash had done to me, I just had to grit my teeth and pray the night be over sooner.

"Then shall we be off then?" I interrupted with a forced smile, "I must begin dinner right away since we have a guest."

"Isabelle!" Papa boomed as he grabbed my face and kissed me on the forehead in excitement, "Oh isn't this wonderful."

"Yes, Papa, after all I told you not to worry." It was good to see a smile on his old, tired face again.

"Even Bash is coming over to celebrate." He grinned as he patted Bash on the shoulder.

"I heard." I smiled, "Now let us go before we upset anyone."

It was extremely rude of him to publicly act so happy and excited minutes after someone else's child had been taken from them, even more so after seeing the uproar the ceremony caused this time around. And the longer we stood there the more eyes I felt lingering on us, and it wasn't that hard to tell that many were listening as well.

"If I may be so bold as to ask, what had you so busy these past few weeks? Though, you are not required to give me an answer if you think me prying too deep into your personal dealings. I am just curious, that is all." The two started walking ahead of me in the direction of our home.

"Well, it was a rather boring experience. Though, I shall say this." He smiled slightly and looked away. He looked like he was going to lie. "Work has been quite grueling for the past month with one of the men dying, and two others sick."

"I heard about the one man dying but had no idea two others were out of work as well. They must have been working you to the bone, though however much I feel sorry for you, I must remind you that I've been telling you for quite some time to come work for me." I almost tripped at the thought of Bash being at the house every single day.

"You know I would, but the mill needs me. And in all honesty, I would feel terrible for turning my back on the people who welcomed me with open arms and gave me work after the abrupt loss of my parents." Once again he did his best to make us feel bad for him.

"I understand that. Just know if you ever change your mind, I wouldn't mind having an extra pair of hands around the shop. I even know a certain someone who would be overjoyed to see more of you." Papa tilted his head back towards me and grinned.

The longer I listened to the two of them the more I wished my name would have actually been called. The fact that he could stand to look my father in the eye after laying his hands on me was infuriating. He was either daft, or just that conceited to ever hope, let alone believe, that everything would return back to normal, even if Papa was unawares, I was not and I would never forgive him. In the end, it was one thing to lie to me and treat me like a fool, but Papa was a different subject. He deserved much better than to be unknowingly patronized by someone he never once doubted the character of.

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