Chapter 9

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        Party. That's right, I decided to throw a huge party. The entire school was invited, however I'm not stupid. The moment people entered the house all alcohol was gone. I through it into the garage and locked it, I will not have a party where I'll get busted. Most whined, but once the music was cranked on the huge stereo and the cups filled with Coco Cola, Pepsi, and Dr. Pepper were handed out people started to let it go. Want to know the best part? I bought a never ending supply of strawberry Poptarts as a snack. Nothing beats dancing to music way to loud for our poor ears, chugging Pepsi, and eating a never ending supply of strawberry Poptarts.

        I've dressed up in my best, most expensive dress and did my hair and music to perfection. I was ready to get my party on! As soon as Dyson entered though I made sure to say hello, since well, you know why. We talked for several minutes, I got us each a drink and a Poptart, everything was nice. We were both laughing when Jo walked in. Sometimes I hate how beautiful she is.

        In a simple blue skirt, with a white knit sweater tucked into it, her feet decorated in simple black converse she still looks great. Her hair is tucked into a tight bun, which doesn't even seem to any bobby pins. Want to know the worse part? She had no makeup, none what so ever. This caused me to fume, she gained the attention of many when she looked so average yet so pretty. After looking around her gaze finally land on us and she joins Dyson and I.

        "Hey guys! Awesome party Capri, better not be anything bad here," her voice is just teasing but I still want to slap her.

        "Nope, no alcohol at all. It's all locked into the garage," my parents allowed me to have a party as long as all bedroom and the basement doors were locked, as well as any alcohol was locked in the garage for them to deal with. Their having a barbecue on the weekend. Another rule, everybody out for eleven o'clock, which makes sense considering it's a Monday night. I don't know why I decided on Monday, maybe to lift everybody's spirits? Yeah, I guess that's why.

        "Y-you look great,"Dyson says and I'm about to thank him before I realize he's talking to Jo, before I can even shoot her a glare the song Paper Planes by Victoria Duffield comes on. It's a nice song, but not my favourite.

        "Oh my gosh, I love this song!" Jo chirps before rushing into the middle of the livingroom/dance floor. Me and Dyson share a surprised look before turning back to Jo. At first she's just dancing like everybody else, basically just swaying. Then I even more shocked as she starts to full on do the dance, like the actual dance rutine the is in the video. I didn't realize she loved the video this much, or that she could dance this well. A huge circle is formed around her as she is given enough room to dance. People are clapping and cheering, but trying not to be too loud considering it's not exactly a rock song. By time the song is over she seems a little sweaty and her bun is falling out, her sweater has fallen off one shoulder but she's still as beautiful as ever and it angers me. When she comes back over a fast paced song is back on and the dance floor is back to normal.

        "That was fantastic!" Dyson goes to give her a hug and I can't help but snap, this is not happening.

        "Do you need some water?" I step between them, gesturing to the kitchen. She gives me a wierd look but heads off to get some watter none the less.

           "What was that about?" Dyson asks harshly and I find myself frowning at his tone.

        "Can we just talk? Outside?" He seems reluctant but agrees, and soon enough we are sitting in the back corner of the front lawn, our backs against the cold, chain link fence. "So, what do you think of the party?" I try to spark some conversation.

        "It's nice," his answer is short and his mind seems else where.

        "What do you think of my outfit?" I ask curiously, red most likely tints my cheeks.

        "It's nice," and suddenly his head is facing me and he's giving me a strange look. "What did you want to talk about?" Before he can say anything else I do something crazy, I lean in and press my lips to his. However, I don't even get the chance because he's standing up, a sad look across his face. "I don't like you like that Capri," his voice is pitiful towards me and it just makes me more upset.

        "You like Jo that way," I sigh and direct my eyes to the ground, my heart is officially cracking.

        "I don't know Capri, but I think it's time for me to leave this party. See you tomorrow at school," with that he runs off like always. I sit there for a few moments before picking my self up off of the dewy grass and heading back inside.

        While I sat outside I realized I've been so terrible to Jo, and that I need to let this whole thing go. So for that reason, I spend the rest of the party dancing with my best friend and eating Poptarts.  She stays afterwards to help me clean up, by time we are all done she's already called to ask to stay the night and we are both heading to my room where she'll borrow a pair of pajamas. Being the child she is, she borrows my Minnie Mouse top and bright pink matching shorts. We throw on American Horror Story and relax on the couch while eating Poptarts.

        "Why didn't you tell me Kyle is my brother?" she asks and I drop my food in surprise. I sit there frozen, the room suddenly got  very cold.

        "I'm so sorry Jo, but it wasn't my right," I thought she would get mad but Jo is too good of a person and she understands.

        "I know Capri, I know," with that she gives me a big bear hug and we continue to watch our episode of American Horror Story in peace.

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