Chapter 14

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        The sounds of my parents yelling after me as I sprint from the house are automatically ignored by my brain as I rush down the street. It's at least 9 o'clock at night and since it's fall in Canada the sky is pitch black by this time. I can see cars driving past, their headlights lighting up the surrounding area and casting shadows along houses. Nothing registers in mind except the drive to find Jo, my best friend, who I care about so much more than anybody else.

        Greyson had just called me to inform me of the situation, which ended in Jo running from the house. The only problem is that she doesn't exactly live close and at this time she could be in trouble. It's a quiet town, in a great country, but that doesn't mean all of the people are quiet and great. Some would be willing to hurt a vulnerable, defenseless girl no matter where they are. So that is why I spent no time to hesitate on running off to find her.

        My adrenaline is pumping so fast and strong that I run for a lot longer than thought possible, checking all of the streets, alleys, and stores around Greyson's house. My heart skips a beat and almost stops when I hear a high pitched scream from a few streets over. I change direction and head straight for whoever is there.

        When I turn onto the street I think I heard the scream from I check behind cars, trees, and all over the small court of townhouses. I was about to head out when I saw a flicker of movement from the corner of my eyes and that's when I notice a small, dark, and secluded alley between two the townhouses. I sprint towards it but end up tripping over a rake left on the lawn. I don't even realize Greyson is here until he runs past me and straight for the little alley.

        I sit there on the ground and watch, too dumbfounded to move. Greyson turns on a flashlight before dropping it to the ground, the whole alley lights up and I gasp at the sight. Jo is held up against the wall by a guy around our age, with cropped hair, jeans and a familiar yellow, green, and brown coat. "No," I whisper to myself and watch the situation unfold.

        "Let her go Trevor, now!" Greyson grounds out. "You and I both know I can beat you." It's true, he's done it before.

        "Yeah, well, this time I have her. She yours?" I don't like house he objectifies her, like she can belong to somebody. It seems to bother her a well, my heart breaks when I hear a whimper come from the poor girl being held at gunpoint.

        "No, I don't know her. I just would like to destroy you without an innocent victim being hurt," his voice is confident and the lie flows out easily. Sadly I can tell Trevor doesn't believe him.

        "I'm not stupid Greyson, I've been following you for weeks, her for the last few days. I know you're friends, probably more. Now, just let me take her and go," Jo whimpers again but this time tears are running down her face."We won't kill her, we can't. We need her to destroy you, Capri, and Dyson. She'll survive, you three not so much. You know I wouldn't kill this innocent little beauty, right Dyson?" my blood runs cold when he calls me out and I decide to stand up now. Jo lets out a loud sob when she sees me, my heart cracks a little more.

        Suddenly Trevor falls to the ground, bringing Jo with him. Capri stands where they used to with a chunk of thick wood in her hand. Trevor isn't out cold yet though and Greyson surges forwards, sending a kick to his face. Now he is out like a light. Jo however, is not. She lets out a sob and Greyson helps her up, the three of us wait for her reaction as she analyzes us. Starting with Capri, then Greyson, ending with me. Out of the blue she whips towards Greyson and jumps into his arms, burying her face into his chest. He seems surprised but quickly recovers and buries his face into her neck, seeming both relieved and content as they ignore Capri and I.

        She might not know it, but something changed then. She made a decision.

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