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Billion years ago before God created human beings, He created a milky way, galaxies, universes, stars, moons, planets, earth, air, fire, and water. God is truly very creative on His creations... he made sure that everything is in place and well taken care of. He assigned kings, gods, and goddesses on His creations. Each king, gods, and goddesses have different powers that they could use to manage God's creations. God gives them 'freedom' to use it as long as it is not against the goodwill of 'Thy Kingdom'. It has been good for all those billion years.

But when satan declares rebellion against God Almighty Father... war in Heaven started. Soon after, Satan was defeated by the led of Archangel Michael. God has thrown satan and all his rebel angels down to earth. These rebel angels scattered in the planets, galaxies, universes, everywhere they think their power can reach. Some rebel angels doing good towards God's creation hoping God will forgive them... but some continued their wrongdoing.


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