Chapter three

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   I heave a sigh as I walk into the school building.
' how are you Ella? ' -  I asked the girl that greeted me as I made my way into the Hall way.

' I'm okay, how about you?'-   she replies,  looking through what I guess is a math texbook.

' I'm quite good, thanks.' -  I say with a shrug.
Ella is a pretty girl with black curly hair and she's look older than her actual age.  If you saw us walking together, you'd think she's way older than me.

Being called 'smallie' by people isn't so fancy, if I may say, and that is why I always try to keep a reasonable distance from people that are much bigger than I am. Being around down appears really funny because they look like giants while I look like a rolling potato. Yes. A very cute potato.
Well, you wouldn't always see Ella and I together though, because she's a junior.

I got into my classroom and sit on my favorite seat which is just by the window.  I really love sitting by the window - It provides me with extra space I hate small spaces. Two - It gives me a chance to be distracted whenever these overly noisy and hormonenal children I call classmates choose to make a fool of themselves , acting as though they always get drugged on their way to school.
It could also be the air the breathe ....who knows?
If it's the air....then, now you know I inhale an uncontaminated, un - drugged oxygen.

Happy me!!!!

Seriously I don't get them at times .

You see ... I have eight siblings,me excluded. I know by now I should be used to so much noise, bustling and incessant human parambulation. But no. I'm not used to it, and I'm not sure I ever would.
I prefer being alone, in my own space and noise is one thing I honestly loathe.

I'm currently sat on my fave seat, perusing my schedule for the day.
As time ticked, more students started trinckling into school,soon a trinckle turned into a pour and the quite school become a meeting point for some noisy retards.

You could hear shuffling of feet, hello-s and hi-s in the air. Banging of lockers, screeches, sounds of laughter, whispers etc.
Can't they just be quite eh?

Pfft ,who am I kidding?

       Classes started as usual. Students fill the classroom at the sound of the bell , while the last of them came in at the ring of the tardy bell.

My first class today is English. The class turned quite immediately Mrs Collins,my English teacher started writing on the chalk board.

My mind drifted off a little , thinking of my next class 'Math'.
I am a straight A student, one of the proud nerds in the school. But nerd or not, Math isn't one of my happy subjects. I don't fail it either.

I look out of the window, watching the beautiful flowers lined up in the school ground by a gardner I really think deserves a lot of thanks and reasonable payment for a job well done.
Outside the class is so calm, signalling that everyone's in their respectful classes.

Maybe you're thinking that I'm not a serious student, since I'm not paying attention to the teacher. Remember I told you I'm a nerd? Yes. That proves a point.
I read ahead of my classes , so whether I pay attention or not, I already know what my grade would be. Straight - parallel - pole - A.

I continued my part- time survey of the school environment until my eyes caught something - rather someone.

Walking out of an office with the overhanging sign ' Main office' are two middle aged women with two good looking boys;one older than the other, with the principle in tow. They all looked quite good.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2019 ⏰

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