I Left Him |||| Part 8

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(Guys I'm extremely ๑•́ㅿ•̀๑) ᔆᵒʳʳᵞ for the late actually my life is going very busy as well as wrost so can't help have to face problems and this is the reason i couldn't update it (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)و hope you guys understand... I'm sorry        (ಥ - ಥ)sorry again ( ͡^ ͜ʖ ͡^))

Let's<( ̄︶ ̄)↗[GO!]

Nandini stare at him but she have no guts to tell him about her parents... Manik got a message from unknown number and he understand how her parents are no more suddenly

Manik P. O. V

They Start their move (▀̿Ĺ̯▀̿ ̿)

I'm sorry jaan but I have no choice I have to do it.. Or else you guys all are in trouble I don't know where and when this happens this trouble comes but I have to face it and cross it.. You have to be strong for future.. You have to have to be a winner.. Sorry jaan

End P. O. V

Manik : What are you staring at..?

She didn't respond but just started him with tears filled eyes ಠ ಠ

Manik : I'm asking you something..

Nandini : Do you want to leave me..?

Manik taken a back by her answer..

Manik : why are you thinking like this.. But i don't have problem to leave you

Nandini is not at all shocked because she expected this (*•̀ᴗ•́*)و ̑̑

Nandini : Indirectly you are saying that to leave you..?

Manik : Yes.. but not indirectly but directly I'm saying I'm going to leave you

Nandini : Okay my lawyer will be here from my side.. And soon you will receive the divorce papers

Manik : I don't want divorce but I want to get rid of you, I mean after some days you can come here... So now you can leave

Nandini is not in right sense so she quietly yet cryingly leave the house, no one was downstairs so they didn't know about it

After that Raj and Nyonika also goes from there fighting with their children's at last they left leaving FAB 5 Alone with each other

Raj : What is this Manik..?

Manik : Yes dad it's true I'm leaving Nandini but not divorcing her

Nyonika : Why..?

Manik : Because i want to

Nyonika : you will regret it

Manik : I won't

Cabir : Auntie it's their own personal Matter

Raj : So..?

Dhruv : So don't interfere

Aliya : Yes uncle let them be

Raj : Fine.. You guys don't have to teach me what to do

Mukti : Good dad

Nyonika : I'm leaving this house

Raj : Me too

Raj : Don't come after me.. Understand

Manik : fine

And they goes

Because FAB 5 is supporting Manik..

And after 6 months Manik tried to know about Nandini because she left the country after that night.. But manik didn't know about her whereabouts...

After that night Nandini comes to Murthy house.. There was no one except her brother who is breaking by now..

Nandini : Bhai..?

Abhi was crying when he heard his baby's voice he comes to running way and hug her as tight as he can..

Abhi : Are you fine na baby girl..?

Nandini : I'm good bhai just wanna go somewhere..

Abhi : Where..?

Nandini : Where no one can know about us where we can start our new life!..

Abhi : But manik ..?

Nandini : I leave him bhai..  no he left me bhai i asked he left me..

Abhi fall from the sky because this can't be true manik love's nandini they were like inseparable

They can't be separate.. This is what abhi is thinking

Nandini : Bhai.. He leave me I leave him... he don't want to give me divorce..

Abhi : What the heck..

Nandini : You promise me you will not argue with me ever in this decision

Abhi : But

Nandini : Ok fine I'll kill myself

Abhi :: no I promise I won't tell this to FAB 5

Nandini : hmm.. Ok we will leave tomorrow

Abhi : OK

This is how they leave

After 1 year Manik tried to call and reach to his parents but no use as he can't

Manik is starting at their U.S house

He has no guts to talk to his parents.. This is why he is standing in front of their house..

Manik asked one of their guards to open the door but what they tell him it's a shock for him

Guard : Sorry but you guys are not allowed

Manik : You guys mean..?

Guard : FAB 5 And you are the leader of that band so you are not allowed

Manik : What.. This is my house

Guard hold his collar and here he go

He start beating him.. Until he start bleeding another guard comes around them and told Manik politely that it's true "HE HAVE NO RIGHT TO ENTER IN HIS OWN HOUSE HIS PARENTS DON'T WANT TO SEE HIM "

Manik comes from there and again goes after some months but Same response.. Like this 5 years past away

Hope you guys like the update.. I'm little bit more than busy

Sorry guys


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