Cute little bit big family |||| Part 11

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Yieepiiieee it's 11 part thank you guys for the love 💞😍.. .. Thank you all of you

In the morning

Nandini wake up first.. She after fresh n up Nandini goes down making breakfast for everyone.. Just then Manik also come down rubbing his eyes...

Manik : Nandini why you woke up so early..?

Nandini : I have to prepare breakfast.. 🍳☕🍞😃🍴🍞🍟

Manik : Maid will do this now come...

Nandini : Tell me if maid make breakfast will you eat nor Dad neither Arhaam will eat...

Manik : Arhaam also have Same habit like us.. Wow After all we are the Malhotra's

Arhaam also come down rubbing his eyes..

Arhaam: Mom I wanna sleep more hugging you..

Nandini : I was making breakfast for you.. Go and get ready for school.. We will sleep tonight

Arhaam : Fine Mom 😩😴

After Arhaam goes.. Manik hug her..

Manik : Jaan you know what... We have to go India back

Nandini : Hmm.. 😑😑😑 but can't you keep your hands off from me..

Manik : Not happening..

Nandini : I Agreed to act when we will be in India so don't start this act here..

Nandini jerks his hand making him pout

Manik : we are going to India Soom with all my family members

Nandini : But I will be late as we have to give some responsibility to a loyal man the office then I will come... And we have a branch in India so that won't be a problem..

Manik : Fine..

Nandini : Hmm.. Yeah now get ready and come for breakfast..

Manik goes and phone someone..

Manik : Hello.. Yes

Manik  : Yeah.. We will be in India in some days so keep eyes on them..

Manik : OK

He cut the call.. And get ready and goes down..

All are having breakfast..


Cabir : Ummmmm yummy breakfast..

Zyaan : Don't talk when you are eating..

Cabir : Is you are my dad or I'm your dad..??

Navya : Shut up and eat

Cabir nods and eat silently..

Mukti : I'm so happy finally our old friendship is back.. I miss this so much

Aliya : I agree with you mukti.. I was eagerly waiting for this reunion..

Dhruv : Please guys don't go without us..

Manik : Jaan I'm sorry for not telling you the truth..

Nandini : It's ok 🔮🔮

Manik : I was thirsty for the love.. I'm sorry Mom Dad.. I'm sorry Arhaam

Arhaam : You understand na now its better..

Nandini : Don't feel guilty..

Nyonika : No one is angry with you anymore

Raj : You can now have your breakfast

Cabir to tease manik

Cabir : Manik are you knew the fact that nandini was pregnant..?

Manik :  Yeah I was dreaming na..

Nandini : Actually when I leave the house that time I got to know about me being pregnant

Manik : What that time you were pregnant..?

Nandini : Yes.. to kya baaad main kaise hoti..?

Manik pout at her and others chuckle

Abhi : Guys stop this past past game..

Cabir : yes..


Like this everyone is happy all are living with each other.. They are back to India.. Nandini also come

But their culprit is still roaming...

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