New born relation|||Part 9

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In this time Manik and others fully concentrate on their own life they forgot that they were FAB 5 they were like family but they stay in one house but doesn't have any time to talk

Like this days passed away everyone moved on..

Flashback end

Nandini : Ohk then this is your side story..

Manik : Not story it's really happened with US ʕ•̫͡•ʔ♡ʕ•̫͡•ʔ

Nyonika : Come with me Manik

All looked at her in confusion❓

Saying this she drag him with her.. All goes behind them. . . Nyonika Start the car and goes everyone following them.. She stop the car in front of Malhotra mansion

Nyonika : Go and ask them to enter..

Manik : You didn't trust my words Mom..

Nyonika : I said go

Manik without any option goes to the guards

Manik : I wanna go inside..

Guard : You are not allowed.. How many times I have to understand you

Manik : Who said I'm not allowed..?

Guard : Nyonika Malhotra

Nyonika come from behind and said

Nyonika : Me or My twin sister..?

Guard : Ma'am.. Ma'am

Nyonika : What..?

Guard ; actually ma'am he is disturbing us saying he wants meet you guys.. And he just wants money from you guys..

Nyonika : Who told you..?

Guard : He told me a long time ago

Nyonika : He is my SON he can spend the full of my life.. He is the owner of this house.. He is my Jaan.. How dare you to ask him for leave..

Guard : What..?

Nyonika : Yes.. He is..

Manik : Mom let it be.. Leave this topic

Nyonika : No Manik.. And you are go don't show your face again

Guard : But ma'am.. Someone told me to say him what i told.. And that person only tell me to do this

Manik : Who a girl..?

Guard : 2 person was there 1 is boy 2nd is girl but they have another person.. I don't know who but they always talk about him

Nandini : Do you know them..?

Manik : I know them very well..

Raj : Who..?

Fab 5 : Harshad and Soha..

Nyonika : What the hell

Raj : How did you know this.. ?

Mukti : They are the same person who were blackmailed us

Nandini : What but why Soha is Arya's sister she can't do like this..

Mukti : How do you know Arya..?

Nandini : He is my best friend.. I know him

Somewhere Manik is feeling very jealous.. Because no matter what Nandini is still HIS WIFE And WILL BE HIS HUMESHA

Abhi : I also know him he is not a person who will hurt anyone..

Manik : Leave it i don't want to hear about him.. I just want to know who is the 3rd person ¿?

Cabir : Yeah.. And if we want to know then we have pretend that everything is good between us.. Manik And Nandini do you guys understand..

Nandini angrily looked at cabir and manik smilingly looked at cabir.. And cabir give his toothy smile (˵ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°˵) 🦷 =͟͟͞͞🏀

Nandini : Impossible..

Nyonika : Nandini beta think about Arhaam he also need his father na.. Beta understand his situation

Raj : Yeah.. Because you told him not to tell who is his father after he meets manik he didn't tell anyone about manik being his father

Nyonika : Not even he asked you any questions.. Because he also knows that he will hurt you if he ask you..

Abhi : Yes doll think about my champ he have every right to take his father love ❥

Cabir : Please don't torture him..

Nandini : Fine..

Manik have a very big smile come on his face

Everyone is happy but Nandini look's a little bit angry (•̀_•́) and upset (╯︵╰)

Abhi : So let's start the drama.. And Doll please don't tell Arhaam about the drama thing he will be upset..

Nandini : Fine..

Saying so she leave everyone had a peaceful😌😊 smile on their face.. Because MaNan evergreen couple.. Everyone wants to see their Nok jhok wala relationship again..

At Malhotra House.. .

Everyone is present their but Nandini and Arhaam are not here

Manik : Where are they.. ? I should call her

Mukti : Yeah bhai call her

Manik : But i don't have her number..

Abhi : Wait I'll give you..

After taking number from abhi.. Manik immediately call her (',,•ω•,,)♡

After 2nd ring she finally picked up the call..

Nandini : Hello who is this.. ?

Manik : Baby it's me..

Nandini : Shut up.. Don't baby me..

Manik : OK.. Jaan.. But where are you. .?

Nandini : I'm coming..

Manik : Come soon.. I want to talk to my son,.

Nandini : I said na I'm coming..

Manik : Accha listen..

Nandini : Hmm

Manik : I love you jaan

Nandini : Shut up

She hung up the phone

Arhaam was sitting beside her.. Observing her reaction..

Arhaam : Mom why are you smiling.. Your cheeks is also red red..

Nandini : Nothing like this.. BTW Sweetheart your Dad wants meet you soon

Arhaam : but we met just 3 hours ago..

Nandini : As a Dad.. He wants to meet you..

Arhaam : Ok.. But I'll call him Dad only not papa or anything else

Nandini : Fine meri jaani

They talk sweetly that they didn't even realize that they are reached

Driver : Ma'am

Then the mother and son realize..

Nandini : Come Arhaam..

They enter the mansion

Arhaam : Mom Finally I come Malhotra Mansion with you

Nandini : Yeah..

Arhaam : Dad..

He runs to Manik and hug him... Manik and other was equally shocked as happy except Nandini because she knew it will happen and she don't want to snatch her son happiness...

Arhaam:: I miss you Dad.. I really miss you I knew you will come some day and we will live like happy family..

Manik : I miss you too baccha.... And I promise I'll never ever leave you..

Saying this he kiss his forehead..

Everyone's eyes were little teary😢 seeing the new born relation...

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