The General's Plan

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It had been nearly nine days since Grievous had told Ruby and her team his story, the tail of what he had once been, of Qymaen and Ronderu... fierce and loyal Ronderu. Now her story was known and if he were to die now, her name would survive regardless and he was happy for that. That she would not be forgotten when he perished, a source of sorrow that he had long harbored within the reaches of his heart and soul. 

Though the four girls had acted somewhat standoffish towards him after learning he was quite literally a genocidal Jedi hunting depopulator of worlds, but they'd slowly come back around besides Blake who had taken a more defensive standing to him, not really speaking to him afterward and had retreated to the living room where Ruby had followed not long after, she'd made it clear it was just to check on Blake and not because she had anything against the General.

The General now occupied a chair in the office of Professor Ozpin, where he was tediously working through various issues he had with Vale's military. After much debate and heated discussion with the council, they had come to the decision to replace the standing high general of the Vale military with General Grievous thanks to his long military history and his extensive wisdom of combat and war... and with how the political climate was shifting on the international scale, that could very soon be the Kingdom's saving grace...

He had spent the last two days working adamantly on improving the nation's rather shoddy strategies and troop distribution, he found himself utterly disgusted by the work of his predecessors, it was a clear indication of just how long it had been since this world had experienced the carnal blood-seeking truths of war and loss. While part of him was pleased that Remnant had been mostly spared from those harsh realities, he was also more than infuriated that the little dirtball in the vastness of space could have survived without a real trace of just such a nature. If the Separatists or any other faction would have known about the planet and all of its rich resources, particularly that peculiar dust substance that was used so nonchalantly here, it would have no doubt been claimed and put under marshall law, perhaps even by the General himself and there wouldn't have been anything the rather primitive populace of this world could've done to stop him.

The mad general was grateful that they had never discovered this place, he was even more grateful for the fact that his tracking systems had been destroyed, the ones in his ship due to the jump performed by the experimental new hyperdrive and the one within his own body being destroyed during the crash landing. With luck, this world would never see the Clone Wars or the Jedi or the Sith... and with luck, the General would never see them again either...

As he sorted through the artillery pieces and wrote down what sort of weapons he would have constructed, he would be interrupted by a knock on the door, the voice of Professor Ozpin coming through the wood "General? May we come in? There are guests here for the Vytal Festival that I would very much like for you to meet." he had heard five sets of footsteps come from the elevator

"Very well, Professor. Do enter, it is YOUR office after all-" he broke into a coughing fit, crushing the pencil he had been using while Ozpin walked through the door along with Glynda and three people whom the General did not recognize

The first was a tall sleek looking man, who reeked of booze and wine, his black hair and red eyes making him look like something from a fourteen-year-old child's fashion magazine. Beside him was a woman who highly resembled Weiss wearing full military garb, clearly Atlesian like Weiss, so perhaps they had some level of familial connection? The final of the three was a man clearly of high ranking military status and definitely also Atlesian, he was well kept and well presented, a bit too well presented... he was hiding something to some degree, but what?

All three of them displayed varying degrees of shock upon seeing him, the woman recoiling in disgust while the drunkard checked his flask as if looking for any signs of hallucinogens and the military officer quickly worked away on examining him, his eyes looking him over like he was staring at a new form of gun or tank. While the three continued to stare, Grievous rose to his feet, standing at his full seven feet and single inch in height, dwarfing most and being just a little taller than the largest person in the academy, Yatsuhashi Daichi, if only by an inch.

He looked down at the lot of them and extended a hand, waving it to the side in greeting "Welcome. I am General Grievous, the newly appointed head of Vale's military." Grievous drew his hand back to himself, folding his arms behind his back and letting his cape cover his body while his eyes worked diligently to study the three, soon recognizing one of them to be the huntsman Qrow Branwen, but the other two seemed to be an enigma "Mister Branwen. It is a pleasure, your reputation precedes you. But, what of these two? Other hunters?"

Qrow laughed and nudged the woman after hearing the General had recognized him and not them "Hear that? My reputation precedes me, Ice Queen." He smirked when she scowled and looked back to Grievous "Same to you, sure are a big guy, aren't you?"

Ozpin smiled softly as he snapped his finger in front of the other man's face and began to speak "General, this is James Ironwood, the General of the Atlesian military, also this is Winter Schnee, quite the renowned huntress." he waved to each as he spoke of them 

Ironwood walked forward, looking up at Grievous' face, eyes widening as he saw his eyes and the flesh around them "H-he's not a machine... he's an actual person, a cyborg... Ozpin, what did you do?" he had a mortified expression on his face, Winter and Qrow growing rather wary of the monster standing before them

Before Ozpin could reply Grievous cut in and began speaking without hesitation "Indeed, General. I am no droid, merely cybernetically enhanced with Geonosian technology. I am a kaleesh warrior, a leader with power and skill unmatched. So, welcome, my equal... in title. I do hope you enjoy your stay here in this kingdom of ours."

The two stared at each other for several minutes before Ozpin broke the silence "Indeed. The good General Grievous here has been doing a fantastic job and building up and perfecting our military. He has even begun organizing plans to take back a few of the fallen cities along the outside of the walls. He believes it will be possible before much longer." the headmaster had a face that spoke leagues about his intent on following through on the cyborg's designs, believing that they would lead to the best outcome to keep up with the rising population of Vale, seven cities would do that and then some

Winter and Qrow's eyes grew incredibly wide when the professor told them about the General's intentions, Winter looking back to the cyborg and calling out "But that would no doubt lead to another series of slaughters at the hands of the grimm, what are you thinking?!" her cold exterior melted at the thought of another genocide by the monsters, it would be a nightmare "How soon could you possibly be planning on such a thing, it's insane, it's foolish! You're mad!"

Grievous pulled his cape back to behind him, walking toward the five with a look of contempt, replying without pause "Or so you believe." he then went on to begin explaining "I have been bolstering the military with mandalorian and kaleesh battle strategies and combat styles, I have E-5 blaster rifles in production to replace those pitiful excuses for guns they've been using, and I have been strategically preparing a sort of warpath that will include of a military force of roughly eight thousand soldiers, two hundred artillery units, one hundred hunters... and myself at the forefront."

He continued on as he looked them in their faces one at a time, oddly becoming far more intimidating "And as we take each city we will occupy it while new walls are constructed around the cities as well as their surrounding areas and jointed to the old ones before we move onward to the next and then the next and then the next. Until we succeed and have reclaimed all seven."

Ironwood spoke up "How could you possibly believe that your way of doing things will make any difference compared to me or the one who preceded you? It's ignorant, I don't care what you are, you're insane."


"I am here."

I Grieve: RWBY x General GrievousWhere stories live. Discover now