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I'm working on making my chapter longer.
It was Monday. First day of school. Today I had class at 8 and 9 then practice at 12 and then basketball meetings.

I woke up to the sound of my alarm. It was 7 in the morning . I rolled out of bed and headed straight to the bathroom. I relieved my self then washed my hands before pulling out my phone and calling to FaceTime my mama knowing they would be awake this early. She picked up on the third ring.

"Hey mama"

"Hey baby, are you excited for your first day" Mama asked

"Nah not really, is zay up yet?" I asked

"Yea let me go get him" she said then I heard shuffling on the phone and I could see mama walking up the stairs to zay's room

"Bubba" he yelled excitedly

I chuckled "Hey squirt!" I said

"What awe you doing?" He asked with his head all up in the camera

"I'm getting ready for school. Did you already brush your teeth and wash your face?" I asked

"No not yet" He replied

"Well let's get to it. I don't have all day" I said setting my phone up in the bathroom. I heard shuffling in the bathroom and then I see zay in the bathroom

"Ok I'm weady" He said

we proceeded to do our morning routine.

I decided on grey sweat-shorts  and a white T. I looked at my self in the mirror and pulled out my gold chain so it was now sitting on top of my shirt.

"You worse then a female. Get the f-" Ralphy started coming in to the bathroom.

"Hey little man" Ralphy said waving to the camera

"Hey Phe Phe! How I look? Bubba and I are matching" He said standing in front of the camera

"You finna be pullin all the girls! Unlike your brother over here" Ralphy said gassin him

"I already do" he replied poppin his collar

I was in my second class of the day and all I could think about was getting some food.

Once class was over I headed to the market that was near the dorms. They had the best sandwiches and I was planning on getting three.

"Heeeeeyyy" I heard

I turned around and saw that girl that was dancing on me at the club. I smiled

She was barely wearing any clothes. I couldn't help but to image what she looked like from the back at this moment

"Must be my lucky day"she said coming up and giving me a hug

"Must be" I responded with a grin

"What are you doing?" She asked

"I'm about to get some food" I said

"Oh cool from the market" she replied. I nodded "oh cool me too"

We headed to the market and when we got there I held the door open for her to walk in. I really just wanted an excuse to look at her backside

I grabbed my three sandwiches, a bag of Cheetos, and a Gatorade with the nipple top


I don't know what the fuck she got but we went and sat outside

"What's your major?" She asked

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