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Christina's POV

"Daddy" Anthony yelled excitedly as he watched his father warm up

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"Daddy" Anthony yelled excitedly as he watched his father warm up.

It was the first game of the pre-season and I was excited to watch my man play in his first game as a Laker. This meant a lot to him so of course it meant a lot to me as well. I was feeling very nostalgic, I felt like I was in college all over again crushing on the starting point guard. Only then I was trying to deny my feelings.

In the past three months Andy and I have grown so much. We are honest with each other, in love, and everything was just going really good. Only thing is, he keeps talking about moving in together but I'm really nervous. I have never lived with a man besides my father before, and the thought frightened me.

We were always doing really good and then something happens. I just don't want to take this decision lightly. If we move in together this will be the start of us really starting our lives... together, we will be in too deep and heaven forbid he changes his mind. Or worse I do. Look at my father and mother. My mother left when I was three and my dad has never even looked at another woman since. I don't want that to be me, what if one day he just decides this isn't what he wants anymore.

"Stina, Stina, Stina" Anthony repeated

"Yes, my love?"

"Look that's daddy" He pointed before clapping his hands

"Yea that is daddy. Wave to him"

We caught his attention for a moment and a smile split through the middle of his face as he waved back. Looking at me he winked before getting back into the game.

Anthony was being so good as he watched his dad play. He was really interested in the game, I had a feeling the NBA was in his future.

The Lakers won their first home game. As soon as the last buzzer went off Andy came up to us. He pecked my lips before picking up Anthony.

I loved watching him with his son. It was so natural and pure the way he would smile and laugh. You could really tell he loved his son. And with Kam having a baby on the way I couldn't help but get baby fever. I wanted to be pregnant and have a baby but if I wasn't ready to move in with a man then I sure as hell ain't ready to have a baby. Thank God, I have Anthony.

"What should we eat?" Andy asked as we sat in the back of a huge black SUV. "Ant, what do you feel like eating?"

"Frenfry and chicken nuggets" he said instantly as if he was waiting for this question because he had a perfect answer.

"Ok my man" He smiled rubbing his hair. "What about my angel, what is she hungry for?" He said side glancing at me.

Thinking back to how he looked all sweaty and out of breath out there on the court, my lips parted slightly.  I licked my lips sitting up to be closer to his ear. "That depends, what are you trying to eat?" I said in a semi seductive voice.

"I actually want some Chinese food. I think I can order us some take out from that one down the street from your place."

"Yea that's fine" I said rolling my eyes. The driver pulled up to his house and we thanked him before getting out.


"We are going to have to let him come to more games, that boy is out." Andy said coming back into the living room

"Yea, I think he really enjoyed watching his daddy play too" I said picking at the fried rice.

"What about you? Did you enjoy watching daddy play?" He said in my ear causing a slight tickle

I Giggled before I looking at him with a straight face. "First of all you not nobody's daddy but Anthony's and second, you could be a little quicker on your feet on defense." I side glanced at him before returning to the food in front of me. He was quiet so I looked back at him to see him looking at me wide eyed and his mouth wide open. "Baby, you don't want to catch flies" I used to fingers to close his jaw but he backed away from me feigning hurt.

"Wow, you are just going to do yo man like that. After I got you all this food, that's crazy" I giggled at his dramatics. Even though I was high key serious about what I said well at least the second part, I wanted to be honest with him. I had watched his games even when he played with Chicago so I knew when he was slacking. I loved him and I only wanted the best for him.

"Baby, you did so good out there but I know what you are capable."

"I know you only looking out for me, that's why I love yo ass" He said before leaning in to peck my lips.

"I love you too" I responded kissing him again and again.

"Then move in with me" I halted in my actions, opening my eyes to look at him. He was already looking at me with that boyish grin on his face.

"Are you sure this is what you want?" I asked

"Do you know how long I've waited to be with you" He asked caressing my face with one of his hands. My face immediately melted in his hand as he looked at me with so much passion. "Why do you think I was always bothering you when we were young? And then when I saw you again after all those years, it felt like destiny. Even when I tried to stay away I couldn't, I will never be over you."

A tear escaped my eye as this man confessed to me. This was the perfect thing to say, all my worry and doubt flew out the window and I couldn't be more sure of what I wanted.

"I'll move in with you on one condition."

"Mmm?" he hummed as he played with a strand of my hair.

"We get a new house that we both like"

He smiled so big I didn't even think it was possible for it to get any bigger, except it did as I smiled back at him.



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