Your Eyes~ Lance

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Red: Creative arts 

Orange: Business 

Yellow: Medical

Green: Science

Aqua: Engineering 

Blue: Technology

Purple: Law

Pink: Humanities 

Achromatic Colors (I.E. No Hue) :Nothing

Pidge was always alone. She had a friend once, but..... yea lets not go there. She was always alone because of her eyes. She had grey, Hue-less eyes. No one would give her a job because of it, and Colored contacts were against the law. So she was left, alone and colorless. Till one day...

"Pidge, you need to deliver this pizza to this address, now." She nodded to the only person who would hire her. Hunk was her older brothers friend, someone who knew her and was nice to everyone, But she knew he secretly discriminated her for her eyes. 

She nodded her head, took the pizza and keys, and walked off to the car. She hated the way people looked at her, so she put on a hat, obviously sponsoring Hunks store.  She drove down the road, listening to the radio, tuning out the awful thoughts spreading throughout her mind.

She finally made it to the apartment building complex she had to deliver to when her older brother texted her. 'Hey! we are going to have Chinese for dinner so come home early. We also have something to talk with you about.' She sighed as she walked into the building. Went over to the elevator and pressed the button for the top floor. Once she got there she rang the doorbell for this big penthouse.

The door opened and she saw something that amazed her. There stood a man with dark brown hair and Caramel skin.... But with rainbow colored eyes. His eyes were endless colors. She could not believe what she was seeing, and apparently he couldn't ether. They were both staring at each other till she looked away and said "So you ordered a Large mushroom and pineapple pizza with garlic knots?" He nodded, still staring at her. She gulped and pulled her hat down. "Then that will be $11.48. Swipe here...... Thank you goodbye." She turned quickly and started speed walking back towards the elevator. Just as she got in her arm was pulled and she was pulled out of it and pushed against a chest.

She turned and looked up to see the brunette holding her and looking in her eyes.he was breathing hard as he said

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