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"Karma-kun! We're home!" The front door opened and closed as those words rang through the house. Karma and Kai's eyes widened as they realized who was there.

"Is that...?" Kai looked towards the redhead as she trailed off.

"Mhm, my parents..." He hummed and nodded in response to confirm her theory... The Akabane's were officially home from their travels.

Kai was internally panicking because she wasn't exactly prepared to meet her boyfriend's parents at the moment, nor did she know if they'd like her or not. Karma seemed to take notice of her panic and kissed her cheek to snap her out of her daze. The female blushed and turned towards him as she softly touched the spot that he had kissed. "Calm down, K-chan. They'll love you I promise."

"How can you be so sure."

"They're my parents. I know them better than anybody."

"I guess so..."

"Now c'mon-" Karma started as he slid over to the edge of the bed and stood up. He then turned to her and held out a hand for her to grab.

"Let's go and introduce you so you can see what I mean." The redhead smiled softly at her to reassure her as she glance between his face and his hand, debating her next move before sighing and taking his hand.

"Alright. I trust you." The raven haired girl smiled as he pulled her up off of his bed and walked with her hand in hand towards where they had heard his parents voices coming from. Once they found them, Karma cleared his throat and they turned to him.

"Oh, there you are Karma-kun! We were looking for you-" His mother stopped talking as she noticed her son hand in hand with the girl beside him. She gasped softly and tugged at her husbands sleeves, motioning for him to take a look. They both stared silently before Karma cut in.

"Mom, Dad. This is Kai-chan and she's my girlfriend. I'm sorry for not telling you she was over, it slipped my mind." He exclaimed and looked at Kai before nodding to her as if to tell her it's okay to speak and introduce herself.

"Yes, he's right. Nice to meet you Akabane-san. I'm Kenda Kai and Karma-kun's girlfriend. I was inside your home today because I was taking care of your son since I accidentally got him sick it was only fair to watch over him in return." Kai bowed her head and tried to be as respectful as possible until she heard squealing from ahead of her. The female looked up to see his mother was... fangirling over them.

"Oh honey, look how cute they are together! She's so sweet, and such a looker! I'm so proud of my son!" The woman exclaimed and caused the two across the room from her to blush intensely.

"Sorry about her, she can be a real pain sometimes. I promise she isn't always like this." The man next to her explained as he invited Kai to stay for lunch that day so there could get to know each other better. She silently nodded and agreed as Karma's mom excitedly walked off to the kitchen to cook their meal, Kai excluding herself to go help her saying it was the least she could do as Karma was dragged off by his father to put away his parents luggage from their trip.

"Anything I can do to help Akabane-san?" The ocean eyed female asked The mercury eyed woman before her. 'I see where he gets his eye color from.' Kai thought to herself as she watched her boyfriend's mother move about her kitchen. The woman opened her fridge and pulled out some vegetables from it and handed them to her.

"Just carefully wash and cut these for me if you will, Dear. Is it alright if I call you that?"

"Alright, and calm me what? Dear? Why of course it's fine! Call me whatever you'd like. I mean you are my boyfriend's mother after all."

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