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Welcome back!

When Kai got home that day she found a letter awaiting her from Kunugigaoka. She had gotten in! It wasn't that big of a shocker to her that she got into the school she was kind of leaving from, but nonetheless she was happy and excited! The girl called her boyfriend to see how he did and he had gotten in as well no surprise there since he did better than he on the exams. They were both just extremely happy to be able to spend their high school days together all the whole becoming everything they wanted to be in life.

When they got back into class their teacher congratulated them and told them that instead of doing their final round of career counseling they'd be doing editing instead... Editing their yearbooks to be exact. Koro-sensei then revealed that he had teacher-student selfies with them in moments that they don't even remember him being in, many class and private moments. "I even have a picture of me reading and fangirling over manga with Kai-chan!"

"You what!? Get rid of that! Right now!" Kai exclaimed with a bright blush evident on her face as Karma grew intrigued, thinking that it might be good teasing material for later. All of the class stole their pictures and ripped them up, leaving only the non-private pictures in the pile. Koro-sensei then panicked about not having enough photos and brought everyone outside for a cosplay shoot. He even pulled Karma into a western themed shot where Karma's shirt was open and almost everything was visible. Kai blushed and held back the urge to fangirl over her boyfriend as their eyes locked. When he saw the look on her face an evil grin spread across his like wildfire, purple devil horns and a matching tail sprouting upon his form as she grew nervous.

Suddenly a gust of wind flew past Kai and suddenly she felt a lot of her skin exposed for some reason and she was also on a rock nearby where she had been standing... She was taking a picture with Koro-sensei in a mermaid outfit!? She'll bra and all, the whole nine yards! "Koro-sensei! What the hell is the matter with you!?" Kai exclaimed as everyone around her blushed at her oddly exposed form. Now it was Kai's turn to lock eyes with Karma and send a revenge grin his way as he tore his eyes away from her body. Then Irina and Karasuma cut into their little party and another gust of wind flew past Kai, now she was in Karma's arms bridal style beside Karasuma and Irina, all of them were wearing wedding attire as Koro-sensei snapped multiple photos of the two main couples of E-Class. All of them blushed as the class cheered them on in the background. Koro-sensei stuffed the whole class into a giant purse and took photos with them across the word in it using a giant slingshot to send them around. Nagisa, Karma, and Kai traveled to Matsukata's nursery and tutored their respective little friends for a little while after school that day as per usual on the days that Kai wasn't working with Isogai.

That night Kai was training with her powers outside and saw a large orange light in the sky that looked like it was in the shape of a dome. It also looked like it was sitting above... "The satellite campus? Wait- Koro-sensei!" The girl exclaimed as she ran out of her house and towards the lights, on her way she found and met up with Nagisa. She asked him if he knew what was going on and he shook his head as the rest of their classmates appeared one by one, also concerned for their teacher. Suddenly news crews surrounded them and they twisted their words to make it seem like Koro-sensei was some sort of monster, they made everyone feel sorry for them. Karasuma stopped the crowd and pulled the class into a tent from the Ministry of Defense and explained the situation. Apparently the class ran out of time and now the military was taking things into their own hands, speeding up the assassination process and changing the assassination date as well by using an anti-sensei laser dome as a barrier or shield to prevent his escape.

The class was shocked by this news as Karasuma told them to step aside and leave things alone. The secret agent even flipped Nagisa over when he refused to listen to him. Karma and Kai watched in the back as Karasuma left the tent and Nagisa then convinced the group to create a plan. Kai agreed with him that now wasn't a time to just give in. By then next morning each student had been delivered back to their homes and were being carefully watching under military surveillance. The class texted one another in their group chat about how they missed their teacher and they wanted to be there to finish things themselves. They started slowly hatching a plan as Kai sat on her porch and watched the text messages fly by on her screen, glancing at the laser dome every now and again to be sure that nothing was happening. Kai and the girls agreed to check the town while the boys checked the mountain, they were going to finish this their way whether the Ministry of Defense liked it or not. Kai even offered to use her powers to help them get inside or trap some guards if need be. She just made sure that before she left the house she drank a bit of extra water just in case, later in the day having to leave the girls to work with Isogai and secretly worked on a plan with other classmates throughout the shift until nightfall.

Once the moon and stars were visible in the sky she got on her training gear and started to sneak towards her back door. "Where do you think you're going young lady? I just got home and you can't even give your father a hug before you start running off somewhere?" Kai stopped in her tracks when she heard her father's voice from behind her. Right now was around the time he came home. She turned around and laughed nervously as she hugged her father.

"Hey Dad! Good to see you!"

"You didn't answer my question sweetheart. Where are you going?"

"N-Nowhere in p-particular! Why?"

"You stutter when you lie Kai-chan. I've watched you do it your whole life. Tell me what's up? Why are there government men outside?"

"I... Dad, please understand that I've got go right now. I have no time to explain things to you yet. When it's all over I promise I'll answer any questions you have, but I can't stay here or else I could miss something big." Kai said in a serious tone as her father sighed and smiled at her.

"Just like your mother I tell you. Fine, I trust you, but pleas promise me you'll come back safe and tell me all about it?" He asked and she groaned as he held out his pinky to her.

"Seriously Dad? Right now? This is dire!"

"And so is this! I need confirmation that my baby girl is coming back!" The male exclaimed as she just gave in and pinky promised him before waving him off and leaving out the back door, catching up with her friend who were running across the rooftops of building to get to the school as quickly as possible. That was when Kai realized how similar her and her dad were even though the two of them never really noticed because of how eerily similar she was to her mother. It made her laugh a little as they made their way to the mountain. 'I promise Dad, when I officially graduate from this assassination classroom, I'll tell you everything I can.'

Hope you enjoyed and I'll cya in the next one!

Space... [Akabane Karma X OC] Book 2Where stories live. Discover now