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I hope you've all enjoyed this series up until now. It's the very final chapter now and I'm sad to see it all go. I'd like to thank you all again for the continued support you've given me throughout this book series and I also wish to say that this epilogue is really mostly about Kai and Karma coming up with a name for their incoming baby, and italics will indicate flashbacks this chapter. With that let's get right into the chapter?

"I wonder, will our little bundle of joy have your powers and my good looks? Or will it have your good looks and my powers?" Karma said to his now very much pregnant wife as they finally st down after a long day of constructing a nursery in their home.

"What powers do you have?" Kai asked curiously with a raised eyebrow.

"Being a badass, kicker of ass, cool, and sexy all at the same time~" The redhead cooed mischievously.

"Pfft- Whatever, I can do that just as well as you can if not better."

"Wanna test that theory, darling?~"

"No thanks." She muttered as Karma thought over a couple thing for a moment. He then piped up as they both laid together on their king sized bed in their shared room of their new home.

"Hey, I've been wondering..."


"What do you want to name them? We need a good unisex name since we agreed not to spoil the gender."

"I wanna do what my Dad did for me. I want to include at least part of my mother's name into it."

"Oh? Well I wanted to name them after you."

"How about we do both?"

"Really? How?" Karma asked her curiously, all ears to her ideas.

"And that's how you got your name Ai-chan!" Kai exclaimed as her daughter listened to her mother's stories in awe.


"Yep! You have a mixture of both mom and grandma's names."

"So cool! Can you tell me the story of how you met uncle Hiroshi-san, uncle Asano-san and uncle Nagi-san again? Oh, and don't forget the story about the partners in crime necklaces!"

"Sure!" Kai exclaimed excitedly as she continued telling stories from her childhood to her daughter. The girl turned out to have red hair like her father that was long like her mother and wavy. She also had oceanic eyes like her mother and powers like hers as well. Soon after telling multiple stories about her youth Karma cut in saying that he had finished preparing dinner for the day, and then the family sat down to eat together. Ai seems distracted all dinner and Karma asked her about it curiously.

"Well tomorrow is my first day of school. I just... Don't know if I'll fit in..." Their daughter said as she used her fork to play with her food a little.

"C'mon sweetheart. You should know by now from your mother's stories that we were total outcasts in our old school and yet we found a place where we belonged. You'll find your place too, I know it." Karma spoke as he pet his daughter's head.

"He's right, Ai-chan." Kai spoke with a small smile as her daughter sighed and reluctantly agreed before deciding to finish dinner quickly and go to her room to get her mind off of everything by reading some of her mother's old manga. Like mother like daughter, seriously it was creepy how similar they could be, though Ai was also very mischievous like her father. The pair mixed well and it shows when their genes mixed to make a cute little girl that the two would cherish and love with all of their hearts. The first chapter of their lives together had come to a close and another chapter of their lives was just beginning now with their one and only daughter. Both parents were now excited to see where this new journey would lead them, sure it wouldn't be the same as assassination, but in all honesty, parenting can be just as hard so they couldn't exactly judge.

I wanted to make the epilogue short and sweet and to the point, plus I wrote it at 2 in the morning while I was sick and exhausted so cut me a lil bit of slack! Anyway as I said this was a fun journey. I'm honestly going to miss writing all about Kai and Karma, but I'll live. I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and enjoyed venturing on this journey by my side and I'll one day cya in another book hopefully? P.S. I don't really plan to go back and edit this book much, I'm only human so any mistakes made are now set in stone unless I just randomly decide to fix them or something.

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