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Lee: is good and fair king

Carley: is a beautiful queen and kind who love to server her people

Clementine: is a Warrior princess strong will and honorable and fight for what right

Aj: name after lee older brother who die on the battlefield Aj is a kind and shy boy he look up to his big sister and want to protect her

Violet: is the greatest swordsmen in the entire kingdom and best friend with clementine she left her home at a young age learn of to fight on the streets she like nobody until see saw a redhead beautiful girl

Minerva: she like fighting with an axe she always have to prove she the strongest she was the oldest of her siblings she a twin sister and a little brother there parents die protecting clementine when she was a little girl and Minerva hate clementine

Louis: like telling jokes and powerful with his war hammer he was born and a noble house and then something terrible happened he was the only Survivor at a young age he was catcher by slavers and sold him to a gladiator ring and train him how to do parkour wall-jump he escape and live on the street with his best friend Marlon

Marlon: is the greatest Archer in the kingdom he can can hit a Target size of a baby Mouse from hundred yards away his parents sold him to the gladiator ring when he was a baby he was taught to grow up and never miss and if you do miss only once you don't grow up at all him and his best friend Louis escape from the hell hole and live on the street until he met a young girl name Brody

Brody: she work at her family tavern when she was a young girl she wish she have a lot of friends she was kind to everyone and like helping and then see met marlon

Ruby: she was train to be a healer her family die of a deadly disease but she didn't die and now she promise to cure any disease even the uncurable

Assim: born with magic his family tried to protect him he watch his parents die he use his power of fire to burn the murderers he was lost scared but ruby him help him and assim protect to himself he will always protect ruby


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