pushing your luck

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The next day im woken up by Avia. "Luna dear wake up"She whirspers as she gently shakes me. I start to stir and turn to her"good morning Avia".

"Good  morning dear".
"Why am I up"I grumble.
"Because my dear girl its my job to teach you the ins of being a women vampire."
"Couldnt have waited a while?"

"Oh no dear your father wants you on a human schedule .So come on get dressed and met me in the parlor.

She walks out and closes the door.I pull on acid washed blue skinny jeans and a lacy tight tank top.I remember the fact that the sun now is my enemy and slid on my leather jacket.I line my eyes and put my hair up in a high pony tail and walk down stairs.

I run into Ashley and stare at him.
"May I have my phone"I ask. "Are you gonna stop being a brat?"

"Are you gonna let me go home."

"See  that was a bratty question. So no you may not have your phone ."

"What ever weres the parlor?"

  "It's just the living room were we first were talking to Avia yesterday".
"Thanks"I grumble and walk away.

I met Avia in the living room and follow her  out to the car after she hands me an umbrella to protect my face and any other exposed skin from the sun. We get in the black car that brought Ashley and I yesterday.

"So first we will go to the Jeweler then we will go out to grab a meal. And then we will go look at some dresses and have the dress maker come tommrrow and asks wich elements you want and take measurements"Avia tells me.

"What are doing all that for"I ask confused.

"Oh honey your father didn't tell you we must celebrate your home coming."

"Avia thats not needed really ,im not much in the celebration mood."

"Luna its the first time a high blood has ever been introduced like this.You are a legend of sorts amongst the young highs. With the lowers your  a Messiah."

"What, why?"

"Well you see every one has heard your story.The story of the lost high blood  living as a poor human girl.To return or not to return. No one knew when or if you would return.so many rumors started like they do with these types of things. Many thought you had truly died and the family didnt want to come to terms with a death of another member.Your father refused to talk about you to anyone but the closest of family.Affaird someone could bring harm to you or your mother. But now are lost High blood princess  has returned and we must celebrate."
  "Sounds more like a funeral for my old life."
"If you must be cynical dear then yes.But your new life will be wonderful I promise you."
"My old life was fine.I was happy and I would be much happier going back.It all would have been better if he had stayed away."
"Luna your a high blood and you will be a powerful one.Even if your father or others wish to deny it. Your return was inevitable .It was only a matter of time till you seriously hurt someone or got seriously hurt.A girl of your blood line living only in the human world its unnatural.And dangerous for you and all around you.Thats why we hadnt agreed with your fathers choice. But I think he was swayed by what had happen to him and his parents and didn't want the same for his princess.You dont know this nore do you wish to believe this but he does love you  and has watched you grow every step of the way."
   "What do you mean swayed by what happend to his parents and him?"
"Oh dear  I have said to much that is his story to tell not mine .now we seemed to have arrived lets go Luna."
I nood and follow her into the first store."ok pick out one or two things  you will were every single day"Avia tells me. "Alright "I agree confused.
   I walk around and fined a pair of black diamond earrings."Avia can I have these"?
   She walks over and she sees them "Yes those would work. Excuse me would like to buy these."

A employe walks over and pulls it out  "yes can u just keep that out shes gonna pick something else out"He nods and I keep walking around.I have never seen a jewelry store as big as this one.I walk towards the back and find a black gold ring with a purple rose with dimonds coming out of the middle."This one please Avia".
  "Of course would you like the one beside it to?"
There was a ring beside the other one  is a black gold ring with a red rose with twisted leaves.
"For real?"
"Yes dear of course".
"Umm ok-kay yes please."
"Excuse me we are  ready to check out we would like these rings along with the earrings. The guys pulls them out and sizes me and grabs the rings and earrings and bags them and hands them to us and Avia pays.And we walk out.
  "Ok next hair"Avia smiles and walks down a trendy hair salon."
  Once we are done I look at my hair smiling.My once dark brown hair is now  black going into a vibrant violet.
I thank the hair dresser and walk over to the store Avia said she would be when I was done.I walk over and tap her shoulder she turns around and her face drops.
"Well looks like all the Highest high bloods are meeting my great grand daughter with purple hair.That's um wonderful might take some of the attention off of you magically being here."
  "I mean if you dont like it I could just go home I wouldnt want to embarrass you guys"I fake concerned.
  "Oh my dear Luna your not going home.Even if the others wished to judge want very few are above me.And while I might look like a frail old women no one will cross me nore disrespect me with out paying the price.I want you to rember that,because I wont have you act the way you act with your father with me". She walks out and I follow her.
   She walks into a shop that has dresses and suits. She walks over to a guy he bows and walks away.
"Were going to find you a dress for the party"She tells me.
I nod and the guy comes over
"Hello im frank i have picked out  a few dresses that may work.Just go into that dressing room right there a girl will be there to help you."
"Ok thank you"I walk into the room and start trying on dresses.
   A few hours later we finally find the dress and he takes measurements so it fits perfect.Avaia and I walk out and back into the car.
"Im starving "I groan.
"Dont worry were going for food now."
  I nod and lay my head back I get A sharp shooting pain and grab at my head and groan.
"You ok dear"Avia asks worried.
"Yea fine just a migrine I have pills in my coat pocket."I pull them out and swallow two and Avia watches.
"Hmm odd".
"Odd, why is it odd I always get head aches."
"Oh nothing just the babblings of an old woman."


"Any ways where here".

We get out of the car and walk into a fancy restaurant.The Hostess leads us to a back room.

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