Chapter 9

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     The staffroom was quiet and dark. Maria liked it that way. She never liked to be disturbed while sitting on the rocking chair staring out the window in the solitude of the dark night. The lampshade on the study was lit overlooking some files. The muted television was showing an episode of some random series. The only lights illuminating the room were the lampshade's and the television's. Maria was rocking on the chair puffing smoke from the cigarette in her right hand. One of two empty bottles of beer on the table was knocked down while the other was on the edge of the table about to tip over.

  "Is it dinner time already?" Asked Maria.
  "Yes it is. Aren't you coming?"
  "No, I am not hungry. I will eat something later."
  Stella walked over to the counter and picked up the kit containing the drugs to give to Rachel.
  "Wait. Is it time already for the bitch to take her drugs?" Asked Maria.
Stella paused. "Yes it is time for Rachel to take her medications."
  "Oh, so it is Rachel now eh? Are you fond of her Stella? You know what happens when you break the rules right? Patients should be treated as patients and nothing more. You should not sympathise with anyone or else you know the consequences."

  "I am not sympathising with anyone. I don't like her, if that is what you are implying. I just like to call people by their own names. I am going to give her the medications. I don't want to be late for dinner."
  "Hold on. I am coming with you."
  Stella froze in her ground. "You shouldn't bother yourself. I know the procedure and I can handle myself don't you worry."
  "I am not worried Stella. I know you can handle yourself just fine, but still I want to come. Do you mind?" She asked raising an eyebrow.
  "Suit yourself," said Stella.
  "Good. Let's move."
  Patrick rushed into the room pushing the door onto the wall leaving a mark on it. He was sweating and hyperventilating.
  "Maria you should come now! It's Andrew."
  "What is the matter Patrick? What happened?"
  "I don't know, he is having another seizure and this one looks really bad. Foam is coming out of his mouth. He is in a really bad shape. Please help me!"
  "Alright, take me to him."
  Stella sighed with relief when the door closed as they hastily left the room. That was close, she thought. She was all alone. Her lucky star was there somewhere in the sky. She was on a mission. She needed to start somewhere and today was the day.

     Rachel was lying down on her mattress sound asleep. The metal door creaked loudly causing her to jump up.
  "Don't worry Rachel, it's just me," said Stella.
  Rachel stared at her without saying a word. She just woke up from a very disturbing dream and was still trying to adjust to her surrounding.
  "It is time for your medication."
  "Stay away from me. I don't want to take any medications. They are not making me feel well."
  "I know Rachel. That is why I got you another kind of meds. Listen, I don't have a lot of time and this may be the only time I might be able to see you on my own, so you have to trust me. I only want to help you Rachel."
  "Why should I believe you?"
  "I can't force you to believe me, but I am afraid you have no choice but to trust me. I need you to take those drugs. They will counteract the drugs you are taking and reduce their effect."

  "What kind of medication are they giving me?"
  "It is hard to explain the details in the short time I have. What matters now, is that you trust me and take them. If they didn't make you feel better, I am sure they won't make you feel worse." Rachel eyed her suspiciously, but she knew that she had no other choice but to trust her. Stella might be useful to her in the future. Stella put the pills in Rachel's mouth and gave her water to help her swallow the pills. Stella stood up and marched towards the door leaving Rachel behind.
  "Your food will be here shortly."
  "Why are you helping me?" Asked Rachel.
  "I have my reasons."

     Rachel noticed a faint smile on her face. "Listen Rachel, whatever you do, do not trust Maria."

     Rachel sat on her mattress processing what just happened as the sound of Stella's footsteps became fainter with every step she took down the corridor.

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