How to Almost Die Twice

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HI EVERYONE!!!! I'm back. I missed y'all!

Everyone but Guy was giving Eep "The Death Stare." Why was Guy not? He was still getting sick. 

"Eep... Why would you do that?" Thunk said slowly. 

"I-I... It was an accident! I d-didn't mean to!" Eep yelled, her eyes glossing over. "I j-just- GUY HELP ME OVER HERE!"

"I-" Guy couldn't say anything else, because his sentence was interrupted by Belt whipping him across the face and then a barfing sound. 

"Ew." Thunk groaned. 

"I ALMOST KISSED EEP!" Guy screamed. Everyone gasped. If I was capable of walking more than five feet, I would've slapped Guy as well. Maybe even Eep. 

OOF GUYS! My mother is calling me, I promise I will update soon, love you all! Good Night!

ALRIGHT! It's le next day. I'm back. I have something awesome to tell you all after this. 

"Guy!" I hissed. 

"Eep!" Gran snapped. 

"What?! They said in union. 

"YOu KNow WhAt yOU DiD!" Thunk screeched, more at Eep. 

Eep grabbed Guy's hand and kissed him. My mouth dropped. But Guy didn't pull away from her, he just kissed her back! I slowly made my way over to them and kicked Guy where it hurts. "I LoVEd yOu! YOu EvEN SAID YOu loveD Me!"

Guy crumpled down to the floor and held where I kicked him. "I'm sorry... Love."

"OH! Don'T PuLl the LoVe cARd oN mE, BROTHER!" I hissed as I walked away. "I'Ll mEEt yOU ALL aT thE mOUNtaIn!"

I stormed off to the mountain. I was so done with all of them. I never wanted to see Guy or Eep again. I stopped my raging storm and walked slowly, to keep myself from dying again. But how do you die twice? You break your rib cage, die, come back to life, then get your heart broken then die again. Hopefully, that will be the end of me. 

Guy x Reader (The Croods) ...Random...Where stories live. Discover now