Chapter Four

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"We're opening up a Pandora's Box. Be careful what you wish for."

-James Waters

"You've done a great job," the man said from behind the darkness.

Ruel was bewildered why the lights were not turned on. The first time he stepped inside the house three days ago, the brilliance of the glass chandelier was blinding as it also fully displayed the majestic interior of the mansion's hall.

The only source of light in the room was the lamp held by the servant. Although the hall was an enclosed area, the fire was flickering as if wind was playing it.

Nevertheless, Ruel felt this bizarre excitement. His heart was leaping with gladness after making it back to the house again.

"I'm sorry I was not able to bring them with me," he said.

"No,no. You don't have to be sorry, dear," the female servant tapped his shoulder and smiled.

The man, having a very deep voice, stood from his chair and revealed his pale masculine face. "They actually followed you," he said. "And I can sense their presence...very...very close now."

"Oohhh!" the servant giggled in excitement. "Can't wait to see what beautiful worlds they're going to make!"

Ruel felt the excitement too. Now the bitterness he felt against his friends a moment ago started to fade away. I knew you guys would come, he said in his mind.

"Should I go and lead them here?" he asked the man.

"No need," he replied. "I'm sure they're as witty as you are. I know they'll find the way in just as you did."

The servant made this weird giggle again. "I'm sure they will!"

"For the mean time," the man continued, "Martha, would you mind leading the young master back to his room. I'm sure he's all fired up to continue his previous creation."

"I'm sure he is! I'm sure he is!" the servant repeated.

Then she wrapped her arms on his shoulder signaling Ruel to start walking. Both of them marched towards the opposite side of the hall. The servant's lamp now illuminated the other side of the mansion.

He was astonished to see how the structure suddenly changed from what he remembered three days ago. The last time he was here, only one door connected to his room was on the wall. Now, four more appeared in his sight.

With his discovery, Ruel was tempted to look back at the man. And when he turned back, he was out of sight—succumbed by the darkness.


The sun has illumined the yellow flowers of the Tabuebias creating its golden resonance of color. As the wind sweeps over its leaves, tiny pieces of the trumpet flowers would glide gracefully down to the ground.

Frank and Marco were already close to the old dilapidated house. But they chose to stay under the shade of the Tabuebias for a minute and mesmerized the beauty of the trees.

Frank saw a falling flower close to him so he instantly snatched it carefully with his hand. "It's beautiful."

"Yeah," Marco agreed. "I wish all the trees in the city blooms like these."

Frank snickered. "Impossible. Come on, we should keep going."

As they paced closer, Frank started to feel uneasy. The grasses are tall and slender and the odds of getting bitten by snakes is high.

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