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I slowly went up the stairs to the bedroom set aside for me. It was a lavish room, with dark wood floor and furniture, the rugs and curtains a deep red. It was a rich room, but comfortable. Sitting down on the plush canopied bed, I peered around, hardly able to believe my change of luck. 

There was a mirror above a low set dresser across from me. I stared at my reflection in it. The bruises and the smeared eyeliner so at odds with the lavishness of my surroundings. Shaking my head, I tore my eyes away from the pathetic being in the mirror. I didn't want to look at her. 

Slowly, I got undressed and crawled under the covers. I left the light on, not wanting to be alone in the dark. Closing my eyes, I drifted off into a fitful sleep. 

Charlie was there, pushing me down and screaming at me. I couldn't make out the words. I must have done something wrong again. I wanted to plead with him to stop, to let me make it right, but it felt like my lips were glued shut. I couldn't make him stop...

"(Y/N)!" A voice that wasn't Charlie's was shaking me awake. My eyes snapped open to see a man looming over me. My half asleep mind reeled backwards, and I lashed out blindly. A hand gripped my wrists before I could strike him.

"(Y/N) it's me!" Alastor's voice snapped me back to reality. My eyes came back into focus. The deer demon was sitting on the bed, peering at me intently. Shakily, I sat up with his help. 

"Are you okay?" Alastor asked, rubbing my back in soothing circles, "You were screaming in your sleep." Embarrassed, I groaned and hid my face in my hands. Alastor pulled me to his chest comfortingly. I leaned against him, his solid warmth soothing me. 

After a moment, he laid me back against the pillows. I watched him get up, grab a book from a bookshelf near the door and sit down in a plush armchair in the corner. 

"What are you doing?" I asked, propping myself up on an elbow. 

Opening the book, he replied simply, "You shouldn't be alone right now. I'll stay here tonight in case you have another nightmare." I didn't know what to say. Quietly, I laid back down, watching Alastor read until I finally drifted back to sleep. 

Fortune's Wheel | An Alastor x Reader Lemon SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now