Chapter 1

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I woke up gasping,drenched in my own sweat and tears. It was the same nightmare over and over again.

"Its okay, I'm safe here" I told myself.

I looked over at the clock ,it was just 4 AM.

Well it looks like that's all the sleep I'm getting today. I slept for 4 hours.... not bad considering that there were nights I slept for half an hour max last month.

Feeling around in the darkness I felt my phone because what better to distract yourself than Netflix and chill.

Hi I'm Olivia and this is my life


"Here's your breakfast."

"Thank you"

"First day of school huh? Nervous?" Aunt Jen asked yawning pulling her dark hair into a messy bun.

"Nah not really, maybe a little bit but not a bad kind of nervous, a good......" I trail off realising that my wonderful aunt had shifted all her attention to her husband as he greeted her with a morning kiss.

"Good morning to you too Adam" I said sarcastically.

"Mornin Liv. Its most definitely  a very good morning when you have such a sexy wife"

"Stop it. You're making me blush"

As they leaned in for a kiss I got up to keep my dishes in the sink.

"Keep it PG kids!"

I ran upstairs to shower because I had another 30 minutes till I had to leave. After I got ready I came downstairs to see my uncle and aunt all ready with the car keys in my aunt's hand.

"What's happening? Are you going somewhere?"

"No we're dropping you to school. It's your first day we don't want to miss it kiddo" said my uncle.

"No you're not. You're already doing so much for me. I don't want to be a burden."

"A burden?" My aunt exclaimed. "You are like our child. We love you, and since it's your first day we're dropping you."
I hugged them as I felt tears prickle in my eyes. I've never felt so loved. "

"Thank you. I really love you."

"Don't thank us. We love you too."

"Now let's leave or else you'll be late on your first day" My aunt said as she gave me a kiss on the forehead.

As we pulled up to Greenville High, I felt butterflies in my stomach.

"Call me if you need anything kiddo."

"I will Adam."

"It's uncle Adam for you"

"For the last time you're barely 6 years older-"

And then there I saw him, the guy I have been waiting to meet for years, Theodore Winston.

I threw open the car door and pounced on him.


Author's Note

Hey guys! We're RoSa. We are glad that you stumbled upon our book and decided to read it. Thank you!!

Our chapters will be a bit short in the beginning to introduce you to the story. Hope you like it.

Don't forget to vote, comment and let us know what you think. Also, follow us!!

Have an amazing day. Until next time,

It's RoSa

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