Chapter 2

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"For the last time, it's Theo not Teddy. It makes me sound like such a pussy." My best friend said exasperatedly.

"Yeah yeah, whatever Teds. Anyway, how have you been? Were you miserable without me? Of course you were, who am I kidding? I'm awesome. Anyway how many times did you cry? 100? 200? Tell me a number. You missed me didn't you? Who wouldn't? I missed you too but not that much. Like a tiny bit. Oh my god guess what I was reading goblet of fire last night and all of a sudden Cedric reminded me of you. I don't know, good at sports, brown hair, brown eyes, tall, but you're not as pretty as him. You look more like krum. Forget about me, what about you? Where's the unlucky girl? Wasn't her name is lil-"

He put his hand on my mouth. "Oh my god Liv, do you ever shut up? Now I remember why I didn't miss you. Yes her name is Lily. She's in my chem class. Also, I don't look like krum you idgit. Now do you promise to stay quiet?"

I nod. He removes his hand. "You definitely look like krum. At least to me. Also I really wanna see Lily. How is she? Is she like the ones you always date? Hot models with no personalities or an uglier version of Regina george-"

He gave me a look.


"On a serious note, how are you liv? Are you alright? Did you have another nightmare last night?"

"I'm alright. Why wouldn't I be? Enough of this emotional stuff Teddy. Where is your girl?"

"First of all she's not my girl and she's right over there by the lockers. Also, you didn't answer me, did you have a nightmare last night?"

I just ignored him,plastering a smile on my face and ran towards the girl who had taken my best friend's heart. Theo started shouting my name as he followed. As soon as I saw her I knew she would be perfect for him.

She wasn't as short as me (I'm 5'0 btw). She was very beautiful with her ginger hair and glasses. She seemed pretty chill which is quite shocking cause Theo usually goes for blondes with fiery personalities. I've heard that gingers have fiery personalities too so we'll just have to wait and see. She seemed like a really nice person too.

I pushed the random guy she was talking to out of the way and grabbed her hand.

"Hi Lily, I'm Olivia but you can call me Liv. I'm Teddy's best friend. I have heard so much about you."

"Umm who's Teddy?" Lily asked, her features masked with confusion.As if on cue Teddy came to halt beside me.

"Oooh you're Theo's friend" she said blushing.

I looked over to find Teddy red faced and flustered.

"What are you doing Liv?"

"Just introducing myself to your girlfriend. Why? Are you jealous?"

Both of them turned red like a tomato.

"Shut up Liv, she's not my girlfriend."

"Not yet at least."

I looked at the guy that was standing next to her. He seemed angry for whatever reason. I turned to him and introduced myself.

"Hey, I'm Liv, short for Olivia. I'm new to this school and I was wondering if you could show me around. Okay thanks!"

"Have fun you two!" I shouted as I grabbed his hand and walked away from Theo and Lily turning back to throw them a wink.


Author's note

Here's Chapter 2! Hope you liked it. Did you think Olivia was in love with Theo? Let us know.

We'll meet new people next chapter so I hope you're excited!!

Do give us suggestions on how you think this story should turn out.

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Until next time,

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