Chapter 3

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"What the hell!"  that annoyed dude exclaimed yanking his hand away.


"You're a complete stranger, first you push me when I was having an important conversation, then drag me away from my friend and now you ask what?"

"I just asked you to show me around, not donate your kidney, it's not a big deal. Chill. Also, if your conversation was that important you would have told me earlier."

"But you never let-"

"Besides, we had to let the lovebirds be." I said rolling my eyes to look at him properly for the first time and damn, he was hot.

He stood towering upon me with beautiful green eyes and ruffled dark brown hair. He was pretty attractive but the guy the was so grumpy.

"What?" he snapped


"What are you staring at now?"

"Nothing just stop whining and show me around Mr. Grumpy"

"It's Cole" he mumbled.

"Whatever Mr. Grumpy"

He just rolled his eyes.

He showed me around the school with the least bit of interest. Honestly what was his problem?

“So this is the cafeteria where we eat”

“Oh really? I had no idea. I thought this is where you danced” I said as I rolled my eyes.

“Do you want me to show you around or what?”

“Okay, okay, carry on, Mr. Grumpy” I mumbled the last two words to myself.

We walked around the school and went back to the lockers where the lovebirds were missing. Honestly I’m not surprised. Then I realised we were  late for our first class and I still didn’t know what mine was. I was told to go to the principal's office but during the whole teddy-lily-mr grumpy thing I had totally forgotten.

“Hey thanks for showing me around also-“ I turned around to ask him where the principal’s office was and he had vanished. 


"Excuse me" I asked a girl passing but she didn't even spare me glance.

What was with the people in this school?

The bell rang and before I knew it the hallway was swarmed with teenagers. I tried pushing my way through the crowd desperately looking for the principal's room.

I was going to be late to my first period and I didn't even know what it was.

Well this was an amazing way to start the year at a new school.

As if to make it worse, I crashed into a hard chest and fell back on my butt. People stopped to stare at the scene and laugh.

They didn't have time to tell me directions but of course, they had
time to see me embarrass myself.

"Hey, sorry I didn't see you there" the guy said extending his hand to help me up.

Well at least not everyone here is a jerk.

"It's okay " I smiled taking his hand.

"I haven't seen you around, are you new here?"

"Yeah I'm Liv-"

"Oh my god you are THE Liv"

" Umm "

"Theo hasn't stopped talking about you. I'm Liam by the way. "

"How do you know Theo?"

"Theo and I play for the school's football team."

"Oh okay. Hey, Liam could you tell me where the principal's office is?"

"Sure, just go down this hall and take the second right."


"You know what, my next class is close to that room, why dont I walk you there"
"That would be amazing. You're a lifesaver, Liam."

"No problem" Liam chuckled.

"So what's your first impression of the school."

"Well people here are, how do I put it nicely? Interesting. I mean I met this jerk he just ditched me. That's so rude right? I mean he could at least drop me till the principal's room. He was so grumpy. I really don't know how he's friends with Lily. She seems really sweet. What can you tell me about her?"

"Wow you're quite a talker. I like you." Liam laughed.

"But I can tell you a lot about Lily , she's my twin."

"She's your twin?" I said as we turned right.

"Ms Olivia Brooke?" a bald man I'm assuming was our principal asked.

"Yes sir" I answered

"I was expecting you. Please step into my office" he said

"Well I have delivered you safely to your destination. I'll see you around"

"Thanks Liam, see you around." I answered and took a step into the room.


Author's note:

Hey!! Here's Chapter 3. We're so
sorry for being late but we had a writer's block and didn't know what to do.

Anyway hope you like this chapter and we'll see you next time.

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Until next time,

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