Nick Jackson Imagine

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my husband hadn't come home from his three week tour of Japan yet. I was kinda glad he hadn't. I was a mess. my social media had been blowing up with comments of how ugly, or fat I was.

being married to a wrestler wasn't easy. it was bad enough that he was gone for weeks at a time, but when his fans were saying hurtful things. it just made me feel ten times worse. I wasn't the skinniest.I never had been.

I had always struggled with my weight. and had been struggling with an eating disorder for years. I hadn't eaten for two days. I had been too upset and insecure.

I was currently curled up in bed tears coming down my face. Wondering how on earth Nick could love me. What did he see in me that kept him around?

I felt the bed dip beside me. I hadn't heard him even enter the room. "Babe what's wrong" he asks sounding upset. I shook my head as i cried even harder. He pulled me into his chest and held me while I cried. "Sweetheart you know you can talk to me about anything. Why are you so upset?"he asks again.

I unlocked my phone and showed him the comments on my Instagram. Letting him see for himself.

"Babe, none of this is true at all" he began. But I just began to cry harder.

He wipes the tears from my eyes. Holding me even closer. Playing with my hair to help calm me down.

"I love you, no matter how much you weigh, i love you because you're beautiful inside and out. You have the most beautiful brown eyes I've ever seen. I love your hair, how it curls so beautifully without any effort. I love your cute little nose, your smile, how your hands fit into mine. I love how your lips mold into mine every time we kiss. I love your body. I don't care you're a little bit bigger. That just means theres more of you to love"

He kissed me. Continuing to dry the tears that were still falling.

"You're perfect to me babe"

He held me until I had completely calmed down. Continuing to whisper sweet things into my ear. Kissing me every now and then. Showing me just hoe much he loved me.

"How about I make us dinner, and we just spend the night watching movies and cuddling on the couch" he says

I slowly nod.

"Have you eaten today?" He asks

I shook my head before speaking "I haven't eaten in two days" I admit. He looked at me sad.

"Babe, you have to eat"

"I just was too upset to eat" I admit. My voice still shakey

"What do you want for dinner?" He asks

"I don't care"

"How about I make pizza?" He suggests

I smile and nod.

"There's that beautiful smile I love" he says kissing me. He helps me up out of the bed, taking my hand and walking with me to the kitchen.

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