Marko Stunt Imagine

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Thanks to: @i_love_pro_wrestling
for helping me come up with the idea.


"Good job tonight babe," I said, as Marko walked into his locker room.

"Thanks, love, a bunch of us are going to dinner at the restaurant across the street from the hotel after the show is over," he says

"You can go, I'm just gonna go back to the hotel and focus on school"

"You okay?" He asks

"Yeah, I just want to get some of my school work done before we fly home tomorrow"

"Alright, I'll drop you off at the hotel. If you change your mind you can join us" he says

"Go have fun with the guys, I'll just order something if I get hungry later,"

"Are you sure you're okay babe?" He asks

"Yeah, I promise I'm okay, I'm just thinking about everything I need to get done"

"You'll get it all done, I don't think you should stress yourself out over it," he says

He gave me a reassuring hug, and kiss on the cheek

I didn't want to tell him what was really going on, I was over a week ahead in school. I really just wanted to be alone.

All weekend I could hear fans talking about me, during his meeting and greet, while I stood in the crowd to watch his match, and especially on social media.

'Ew that's his girlfriend'

'She's not even pretty'

'She's so fat'

'Why is he with her? He could do so much better'

I had heard pretty much everything over the course of a few days. And they were right. I'm not pretty, I'm too fat, and Marko could do so much better than me, I wasn't sure why he loved me.

I was relieved to be in the hotel room, as I changed into my pajamas, and crawled into bed. I just wanted to sleep, hoping that I could forget about everything.

I laid there for hours, not once falling asleep. It wasn't until I heard the door open that I quickly shut my eyes and pretended to be asleep.

"Babe I'm back," Marko says, as I heard footsteps getting closer. I felt the bed dip down beside me.

Marko brushed the loose hair out if my face and kissed my forehead before standing up and walking to his side. When I felt him wrap his arms around me. I tried to move away from him

"You okay? He asks

I remained silent, still pretending to be asleep

"I know you aren't asleep y/n," he says

"Leave me alone"

"What's wrong love?" He asks. I could hear the sadness in his voice

"Nothing, I'm fine"

"Babe, look at me," he says

I rolled over, facing him. I could see his face fall

"Why have you been crying?" He asks

"It's nothing okay?"

he wiped away the tears that had started coming down and he wrapped his arms around my waist and left little kisses all over my face and shoulder. We laid there in silence for a while, Marko continuously did little things to show me he was there, kissing me, holding my hand. He always made me feel loved.

"You know you can talk to me about anything right?" he asks, finally breaking the silence

"I know," I said quietly

"What's wrong babe?" he asks

"I don't want to tell you, I'm afraid you'll get upset"

"I won't get upset, I promise," he says

I sighed, before finally speaking "all weekend I've had fans making fun of me,"

Marko hugs me tighter, "whatever they said isn't true babe"

"It is true, I don't know what you see in me, I'm fat and ugly, I don't know why you love me"

"You are beautiful, I don't care what anyone else says. You are the most beautiful woman on the planet to me, that's just one of the many reasons I love you. I love your pretty green eyes, the natural curl your hair has to it, the dimples on your cheeks, I love how your hands fit perfectly into mine, I love every inch of you, Even your stomach. remember when we first started dating? I told you that I don't care what number is on that scale, or what size your clothes are. I love you for who you are as a person, not your body. Don't get me wrong, I love your body too. You're perfect for me. I don't mind that you're a little bigger than me. Everyone is. I love you so much y/n I don't care what my fans think of us being together. If they were real fans, they'd be happy for us, and not making fun of the most important girl in my life," he says

"I don't feel like any of that"

"I know, but you will over time. I promise I'm going to help you see the beauty in yourself, no matter what it takes, or how long it takes. I love you so much y/n"

"I love you too Marko"

"are you hungry? you haven't really eaten at all this weekend" he says

"I'm okay, I just want to lay here"

"Then I'm going to lay here and cuddle with my girlfriend," he says

"you don't have to babe, I know you wanted to play video games with the guys"

"That can wait, you're the most important thing to me right now," he says

"Are you sure, I'll sit up and watch you play"

"I'm positive, They'll understand, I've got to take care of my girlfriend first" he says

"thank you"

"for what?" he asks

"everything you said, and just laying here with me, not many guys would give up their precious video games to spend time with their girlfriend"

"I'm not like most guys, When I see my girlfriend upset, or sick, I want to take care of her and help her feel better, Video games, Tv shows, Movies, they'll all be there later, You're more important than any of that," he says

"We can lay here and watch tv or a movie if you want to, I don't mind"

"I want to focus solely on you, I want you to feel loved, and there's nothing else I'd rather be doing than holding my girlfriend in my arms and kissing her cheek,"

"I don't know how I got so lucky"

"I'm the lucky one because I have you, I get the most gorgeous girl in the world by my side, and I get to wake up to her every morning, I'm the luckiest man alive"

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