July 26 1880

3 0 0

Today is the day, the day I am laid to rest. Well supposed to be, Papa decided last minute to have a closed casket. "This way no one will realize we are burying  an empty casket." he would say aloud for the past three suppers.

Pa hasn't been right since I returned, its like he doesn't believe anything is real. How can I blame him when I feel the same? Four days ago I turned 16, found out my mother did indeed returned for me, then I was murdered.

Today; however, I am alive. Watching the front yard fill with 250 people, who all think I was laying dead in the cast-iron casket, placed at the bottom of the porch stairs. 

As I stand at the barn window watching the crowd below, a wave of sorrow engulfed me. I am supposed to be lowered 6 ft in the ground. How am I alive right now? Am I running on borrowed time now?

Red pawed at the ground below me, pulling me from my thoughts. Nothing like a ride to clear ones head. I can't focus on the why, not while I'm busy trying to stay hidden.


I return home after sundown, in hopes everyone had left. As I walk Red into the barn, a silhouette of a boy, followed by echos of small sobs came from the hay loft. Slowly I began to climb the raggedy ladder. As I approached the final 3 stepes, my eyes are met by the golden eyes of Tom. Why was he in the barn? Most importantly why was he staring at the blood soaked oak and crying?

"M...Ma... Maybelle... you. How? I... I killed you, I watched as your life faded from your body.  I had to wash your blood from my boots... How are you alive? I'm going crazy, Tom snap out of it." I giggled as Tom tried to rationalize me being here. 

"Wait... You killed my sister?" I questioned, trying to fill the awkward silence. Well better come up with this story and quick.

Tommy's eyes widened in shock. "Sister? but you look exactly like Maybelle. If Maybelle had a sister I would have known about it." 

"We are twins. My name is Mary, when my Ma left she took me with her. Maybelle and Pa got along better anyways. " I continue with my crappy story, really hoping it is believable. 

"I cant kill again," He whispers "but if you tell anyone! I mean it Margret... Anyone, that I killed your sister.... you're dead too." Tommy threatened before shooing me away with his hands. I better go tell Pa my new story. Hopefully everyone else believes it as well.  


My funeral was two days ago, and nothing has been the same. I enlightened pa on my cover story of being a twin, leaving out the fact Tommy killed me. Pa wasnt very excited about my fib; however, the few people we have told seemed to buy it. Thankfully! I refuse to be locked away in a prison that I call home. 

Our guests returned home after this mornings breakfast. Even without the mourning guests, the house still felt tense. I have a hard time deciding if it's caused by my return, or mother still sleeping in the barn.

My fingers slowly traced my stomach where my wound would have been. If my casket wasn't burried two days ago, I wouldn't believe that I was killed. There isn't even a slight bruise where the pitch fork entered. No physical mark stained my skin. Only the memory remaind, hunting my every thought.

I have kept Tommy's secret, who would believe me anyways. I need proof he was the one who killed me. I kneeled at the blood stain in the barn. The only proof would be a confession, unless he told someone his plans.

I don't care what I have to do, or how long it takes, Tommy will pay for his actions. All I must do is hope nothing will happen to me in the mean time.

The pounding of boots on the wooden floor echoed through the barn. Followed by a gental touch on my shoulder. I turned my head to see Billy kneelt beside me.

" How are ya holding up kid? "

"Billy... Let's pretend I was told who killed me. The person who was accused had motive, and has a violent history. How should I go about handling the situation? "

"Do you remember who it was Darling?" Billys eyes had a slight glimpse of hope as he asked.

"No, I remember crying right here, and hearing someone walk in to the barn." I squeezed my eyes shut trying to Remember the events of that horrible night. "I remember being pulled around by my hair, then watching.. " Tears began to swell in the corner of my eyes, as my handed trembled in fear.

"Maybelle it's ok... No one is going to hurt you anymore, I promise. " Billys hand reached for mine in reassurance.

"I felt terrible pain in my stomach, and as I looked down. The... The pitch fork got pushed deeper. But when I look at the person who was standing above me, it's all black."

"Ok. Well someone had to tell you something for you to ask me about what to do next. If I were you, tell me who did it. And how sure you are this person was the one who killed you. Then let the adults handle it. "

"What will happen if I tell you? "

"Well darling that's information someone as beautiful as you don't need to worry about."

"Tommy said ma killed Mr. Kennedy, and he was going to make her pay. Billy I think it was Thomas Kennedy. "


Hey guys sorry for the lame chapter! I promise there's some exciting things ahead!

What do y'all think Billy will do with the information Maybelle gave him? Leave your predictions in the comments! ❤

All the love,

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2020 ⏰

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