Chapter 6: Meetings and Feelings

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"Hey Wendy." I waved at Wendy sitting down at the cafeteria tables. She smiled and walked towards Taehyung and I.

"Wendy! How nice of you to join us. It's been awhile." Wendy blushes as Taehyung moved over for her to sit next to him.

She's usually busy in the dance studio to even get lunch. She hadn't gotten food yet so I offered to go with her and she had obliged. "The football game was so fun taehyung!!" Wendy exclaimed to Taehyung as we sat back down now with a poorly made spaghetti.

"The one last week? Who did we go against? And how come no one invited me?" Taehyung crossed his arms glaring at us two. Wendy and I couldn't help but giggle seeing how cute Taehyung was. "Sorry Tae-Tae I thought you wouldn't want to go. I was being dragged to it so I didn't think about it too much. If I go next time I'll invite you for sure." Taehyung nodded and accepted my piece offering.

"Taehyung it was actually fun. We went against the "East High Tigers!" I mocked their name with a high pitch girly voice I remembered from a few girls who were saying our school was trash after they lost to us. Sore losers.

"Tell me the details." Wendy jumped in her seat, reaching for a napkin as she wiped off her face and checking to see if she got any food residue on her bright baby blue cropped shirt. I waited for Wendy to finish because she seemed so eager to explain.

"Okay we met these cute football players in our Pre-Cal class. Their names were Elliot and... Jimin what was the others name?"


"Right, Elliot and Connor. They invited us to the football. Well mainly Jimin. Elliot was all over jiminie saying oooh I barely know you. You should come and cheer us on." Wendy waved her hands around dramatically.

"Wendy that's not how it happened."

She snickered before continuing.
"Anyways Jimin finally agreed and we went right? Our school ended up winning!! It was so great! They threw some green powder in the sky at the last ten seconds." Taehyung's face was priceless.

"Man. I should've gone." He laid his head on the palm of his hands. "You should meet Elliot and Connor they're really cool too Taehyung." He nodded with a smug smile on his face.

"Hopefully I get the chance to next time." I chuckled to Taehyung's response. "Tae-Tae I'm sorry! You will next time. I promise." I grabbed his hands and reassured him with a nice smile.

"Ooh and guys.. I saw Jungkook at the game too."

"Jimin you did? Why didn't you tell me?"

I shrugged quickly replying to Wendy. "I don't know I was to intro the game to bring it up. Nothing much happened. I just saw him when I'm as getting something to eat and yeah. Stupid Elliot though." Wendy quirked her head at me to continue on.

"While I as talking to jungkook he came up and practically suffocated me with a fucking bear hug. Jesus! And I think Jungkook wasn't having it either. He was kind of low-key grumpy after it but then again I don't know Jungkook that well."

"Damn I think you got two guys crushing on you Jimin." Wendy announced with a playful smile on.

"As if. I don't think Elliot would be gay. Plus why would he like me? Because I helped him solve a math problem? So romantic."

"You have to meet Elliot Tae." Wendy hugged onto Taehyung as she went on about how attractive he was.

Better to show then to have to explain.

"Maybe they have the same lunch period with us." I stood up glancing around the noisy and crowded cafeteria until my eyes landed on Connor. I slowly got up and momentarily thought over my actions gaining Wendy and Taehyung to look at me. I found courage and walked right up to Connor and his table full of athletes.

"Hey Connor." I waved at him softly. To my amaze he shot back a grin and got up to quickly hug me. "It's our lucky Jimin." He wore his letterman jacket and some ripped jeans. "Let me get Elliot he's in the restroom. Be right back." He dashed to the boys restroom leaving me awkwardly standing there in front of the many athletes whose stare felt like it was burning through my skin.

"Hello my names Jimin." The boys mocked and some had a really bad attitude as they rolled their eyes and turned their body's away from me. "Sup." A boy with blonde hair and glasses nodded at me in response. Which was very nice of him.

"Jimin! Hey four leaf clover." Elliot quickly hugged me with Connor to his side.

"I wanted to introduce you guys to my other friend Taehyung."

A few of the boys gave a scornful laugh. "What is this? A fucking boyfriend meets my family? It's fucking gay." Elliots facial expression changed quickly as he then politely smiled at me. "Jimin can you give me a second real quick? Just go back to your group of friend and I'll come find y'all."

I nodded in shock as I turned around and walked away sadly.

I slumped into my chair having Wendy ask a bunch of questions at once. "They seem kind of occupied right now Taehyung. Maybe tom-" "Woah! What the fuck Elliot!"

The cafeteria became quiet and all eyes landed on Elliot who stood in front of the same mean boy that made the comment before.

The boy sat with the spaghetti all over his shirt and khaki pants. His hair drenched with some dark liquid. "Don't fucking talk to people like that! Try that shit again!" Elliot was furious and had his hands balled up in fists. It took two guys, one being Connor, to restrain him from beating the rude dude up.

"That's Elliot?" Taehyung a queried. I hummed in reply. The rude boy and Elliot yelled multiple cuss words at each other and it seemed it was because of me asking him to meet Taehyung.

"He seems a little mad."

"Yeah. It might have been because that guy was saying some homophobic stuff." The two simultaneously nodded understanding.

"Yo chill Chad!" Connor tried calming 'Chad' down. I guess the rude boys name was Chad. Well... fuck you chad.

"So because of your fag-" Elliot pushed Connor and the other athlete running straight at Chad connecting his fist with Chad face making the cafeteria a chanting mess. No one was trying hold back Elliot and stood in the way so none of us could see.

From what I inquired from the people circling around Chad and Elliot was that Elliot was hovering over Chad and 'beating the living shit' out of Chad.

Soon teachers ran in with some school cops and stoped the crowd from continuing to form, telling everyone to sit down while grabbing Elliot roughly off of Chad in the couple of seconds everything had died down. The silence was overwhelming.

Elliots eyes worked around the room before landing on me. It was like he was trying to tell me something through them. He wore a defeated expression. In a split second the school cop had turned Elliot away from us. He had no scratch marks on him or blood. Which was good. I wish I could say the same about the other dude but he was left limping out and covered in blood. Conner was also escorted out with the other player who were holding back Elliot.

When the staff walked out the whole cafeteria became so noisy. Everyone talking about the fight and who they thought won.

"Wow. I'd die for him." I raised my eyebrow at Taehyung who had a hand covering his heart. "Tae?"

"Yeah Jimin?" He locked eyes with me as I turned to Wendy.

"Can you believe him Wendy?" Wendy giggled pushing Taehyung softly.

"Honestly can't blame him. Did you see the way he looked at us before he was dragged out? Sooo hot!" I scoffed in frustration with the two.

"Guys! What is wrong with y'all today."

Was I the only concerned about Elliot and Conner's punishments?

"Well so much for meeting them."

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