Part 10

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Chapter 8

Shyam Prasad went to Chennai to visit his daughters, his eldest daughter Priyanka's birthday was on 3rd July.

Being the youngest of the three siblings, Shyam was brought up by a mix of semi orthodox moderate parents, born and brought up in Africa till the age of 15 and had the rest of his education in India.

He, like many of his fellow countrymen with his outlook were sick of the hypocrisy that was being enacted by the various political parties who were ruling the government. Corruption was rampant, law and order was only on paper especially in the northern belt of the country. Violence against women and young girls was so rampant, it was like an everyday pick pocketing episode.

And now with the new United National Party headed by Surender Yogi, the party had some far rightist views on equality and tolerance of various religions. They seemed to be against western culture and its influences on the young minds. The speeches made by some of their leaders seemed to incite communal tensions between different religious groups. A very disturbing trend.

The Chennai heat was taking a toll on Shyam. He met his lovely daughters at their School and gifted them the presents and chatted for a while. He was indeed glad to see them, how he loved them so very much. But he just couldn't wait for his ex wife to be snapped away by aliens and whisked away to Mars or Jupiter or from where ever she came from.

"Wishful thinking" muttered Shyam, as he was heading back to his heavenly abode in the jungle. His guests were due to arrive the next day and he had a lot of preparations to do before they arrived.

'Another Day in Paradise 'was playing on his headset, as he dosed of to sleep.

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