Untitled Part 68

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Chapter 66

Contrary to most other democratic countries where the government hold the intel agencies accountable, in Pakistan, it's the other way round.

Gen. Iqbal was now a raging bull, furious as hell. The Foreign Minister Hamid Sheik along with the other commanders of the covert operations team were standing in front of him. In this part of the world, the ISI was the ruler and its Chief the Almighty. Even the President could not afford to go against his orders. The report was on his table. Pakistan embassy in Norway had confirmed that Abdul never boarded any flight out of the country and the Swedish Government and the Pakistan embassy there had also confirmed that Abdul never arrived in Sweden.

Iqbal blasted the entire team especially the Foreign Minister for the last three hours. Two of the most important people heading his covert operation with respect to India had disappeared with no trace. Our Indian assets have confirmed that they have no knowledge of any Indian hand.

Iqbal issued an ultimatum to his entire team, "I want these two men found alive and brought to me within 24 hours or else your families will start disappearing." The last line was addressed to the Foreign Minister whom Iqbal was glaring. "Now get out of my office, you incompetent bastards," screamed Iqbal. They all virtually ran, cursing Iqbal in their hearts. The Pakistan government lodged a strong official protest to the Norwegian Government on the disappearance of their staffer. Though Iqbal wanted to have their ambassador thrown out of Pakistan, the action would surely invite attention to the role of Abdul. His ad visors cautioned against such action.

But Iqbal was very sure the Indian government was behind this though they had no proof. He was angry and Gen. Iqbal wanted retribution. It had taken many years of extreme planning and personal training these two young boys who were like his sons that now, so much was at stake. This would set Pakistan's covert operations back by ten years in terms of being ahead of India. He was mad as hell and he wanted blood.

After eight days of intense third degree torture day and night, even Dr.Kiran was feeling sorry for this patient. But JK's instructions were clear, round the clock, no respite. I want him broken down in heart, spirit, and mind. Doc informed JK that beyond this level, the patient may not survive another two days. Abdul was brought out from the interrogation chamber and taken to the second-floor office room meant for questioning. His hands and legs were chained and dressed in a pair of white shorts, nothing to cover his bare chest. He had a nine-day stubble on his face, at 6ft 1, he was tall, well built and had more of European features rather than ofPakistani. But eight days of rigorous torture had taken its toll on the No. 1 most important Pakistani agent in the whole of Europe.

JK walked in and took a chair opposite Abdul, across the table. Abdul, looking drowsy, slowly lifted his head up and looked at JK. His eyes took time to focus, then he smiled, " I knew it was you. " said Abdul slowly.

"Welcome to India, Abdul," said JK.

Though the governments they represented were sworn enemies and given a chance they would kill each other without battering an eyelid, Their duty to their country made them different from the rest, and it was this single element of character that members of their fraternity always respected each other.

"So what is it you want?" asked Abdul.

"All that you know and much more." replied JK.

Abdul laughed, a painful laughter and spat out a few drops of blood on the floor.

"You were always a sizzling bastard, you know John. You know more than most of half the double agents put together in Europe and Asia, and yet, you pretend you don't know anything." said Abdul.

"JK lit a cigarette and offered one to Abdul. Though his legs were chained and hands were cuffed, he took one with his lips. JK offered him a light. He knew Abdul never smoked and he also knew in interrogation, the first signs of stress and breaking down of a suspect was when he does something he has never done. In Abdul's case, the first sign of breaking down was evident. The mind is at its lowest point at this stage which inadvertently has a big impact on the person's emotion. JK decided now was the time to go in for the kill, break him down squarely.

"Abdul, you have two choices in front of you. Either one, you co-operate and tell us all that you know and in return, I give you my word that I'll have you under a new identity and in a place where no one will know you worked for the ISI. A new beginning. You'll have enough money to lead a good life and above all, you won't be dead. Or, I'll just keep torturing you bit by bit till you die of old age. Or perhaps, I'll make a better deal with you, I'll have you sent back to Pakistan where Iqbal, your boss will have you roasted alive and he along with his Taliban brothers will eat your juicy balls over a drink on Bakrid day." said JK as he sipped his coffee.

Abdul was staring at him. JK looked at his eyes, "Abdul, face it my boy, if you go back to Pakistan, your dead. The torture you'll face here is nothing compared to what Iqbal does to his boys." JK opened the folder in front of him and took some photos which were very vivid.

" You'll probably be aware of the fact that Gen. Iqbal is at times, a self possessed devil, the man, by the way Abdul, is a cannibal. He has a tendency of devouringflesh either of the heart or brains belonging to his traitors." ended JK. He slipped some 8 x 10 'sof Iqbal surrounded by some army men and Taliban militia all sitting around a fire that was roasting what looked like a a human being's torso, limbs cut and the head being cooked like a lamb. Abdul fast lost his composure. He threw the photos away from the table.

"You're lying, you fuckin bastard." screamed Abdul.

JK tilted his head to the right and looked at Abdul. The element of fear was there in his eyes. Major General Abdul, a 15 year veteran of the Pakistan army and ISI, the No. 1 Pakistan ISI agent in the whole of Europe and Asia, one of the three most feared men within ISI, was now, looking very very scared, from the hunter to the hunted.

JK rubbed his right eye with his index finger as he told Abdul, "And my the way Abdul, we already know who Honeybee is, or rather was. I really have to appreciate you and Iqbal on this, I mean, you guys had us nailed for a decade, knew everything that we were planning. Great Job. But now, the poor bastard is right now living his nightmare. And all thanks to you guys.",said JK as he looked at him in his eyes and gave his typical devilish smile. "You know what Abdul, I may rather send both of you back to Iqbal, I mean, .." he started laughing. "Just imagine it, Iqbal and his cannibal boys will be plucking you eyes and balls with tooth picks and munching on them, grinding them with their molars and sipping on whiskey and cracking jokes about the sacrifices made by two freakin fuckin idiots like both of you." ended JK as he laughed aloud alone. Julius and Doc who was sitting in the next room recording the whole conversation were laughing their guts out.

Abdul was speechless. He shouted," Just stop it."

Abdul was now a worried man. He took both his handcuffed hands and was rubbing his forehead, his eyes closed. He started muttering to himself, " I told Iqbal to pull that freakin Shekar out from there a year back. He didn't listen. We needed to change our ideology and strategy, concentrate only on Kashmir. But Iqbal is running ISI like his own fiefdom, he has the support of the army on the one side and LeT and Taliban on the other."

JK stood up and gathered his files. He purposely left the photos on the table, for better effect.

"Abdul, my offer stands till tomorrow twelve noon. You decide." said JK.

Abdul took a deep breadth and said, "10.30 am tomorrow morning."

JK left the room and went to the next room where Julius, Doc and the rest of the team were hearing and watching the whole scene. Julius replayed the recording again for JK.

After an hour of hearing the tapes and replaying certain sections again, he said, "Julius, send your team and I want you to go personally. Pick up Shekar Gupta, must be done nice and quiet. I want him alive. NOW." barked JK as Julius was on the walky talky as his team gathered into two SUV"s.

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