Part 65

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Chapter 63

As Julius was preparing plans to snatch Abdul Mohammed Aloum Khan and Shahid Sheik, Shukla had already passed on information that RAW had smelled out Honeybee and the heat was on. As JK had anticipated, there was an increase in infiltration bids along the Loc which was thwarted by the Indian forces who were keeping an extra vigil along the borders with strict orders, shoot to kill.

Julius and his team flew to Colombo and undertook a couple of mock runs on the residence of Abdul Mohammed and the Pakistan embassy. JK had wanted a quick snatch operation and was very clear that no interrogation was to happen in Srilanka.

People seldom realize that their habits and daily rituals make it easy for kidnappers to do their job.

In Shahid's case, it was his habit of having a couple of beers and fried tiger prawns at the Sea and Spicey restaurant at The Galle Face Hotel on Galle Road in Colombo.

Since the drinks open at 5 pm, Shahid was at his usual table at 7 pm. At 7.32 pm, his stomach was beginning to churn and he made it a point to take the manager to task once he relieved himself at the restroom.

After thirty minutes, the bar attendant was a bit concerned that his favorite customer was not to be seen through his beer and the half-eaten tiger prawns were still on the table. A decided to wait for another fifteen minutes before he became a bit panicky since the bill was not paid and he normally received a generous tip of a hundred Srilankan rupees. The attendant was surprised when he found no trace of his customer and even his car was not in the parking lot. He decided not to inform anyone since his job could be at stake and he paid the bill himself, anyway, his customer was a regular and he would politely remind him that he forgot to pay the bill. Perhaps his customer would pay him an extra tip for his services. The attendant was in a way happy about the situation. He had just earned himself atleast a hundred and fifty rupees in tips by his noble gesture and went back to work.

By the time the bar closed at 10 pm, Julius and his team were already in the fishing trawler halfway to the Indian side of the Indian Ocean. The airforce helicopter had already taken off from Chennai airforce station while the Srilankan navy was to told to keep away from this fishing trawler. Shahid Sheik was fast asleep in the fish hold. Dr. Kiran and his team were ready to receive their patient at the guest house owned by IB fifteen kilometers from the famous temple town of Mahabalipuram on the East Coast road, sixty kilometers from Chennai.

They got to work immediately. The attendant at the bar was extremely disappointed when he saw the photo of his favorite customer Shahid Sheik and read the news article in the Colombo Times which said the Bangaladesh Embassy staffer's vehicle had crashed and fell off the Chamiers Bridge and plunged 50 feet into the Indian Ocean. Though the vehicle which was badly damaged was pulled out the next day, there was no sign of the staffer who was presumed dead.

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