Prince Of Florence

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Tiredness was a trifle word to describe bone crushing pain which they were feeling. A journey of months on ship is a draining process. Fighting against the various odds of salty water and gliding through it demands patience, but finally, a full stop had been put to the sea journey.

Noblemen of Florence expected cool land breeze to pacify their heart but alas! They were now subjected to harsh climate of India! It appeared as if hot blazing sun was sucking their sweat but amidst of it, curtsy of people who came to receive them warned their hearts. Now, after another tiring land journey, they were standing few metres away from their destination, Palace Of Chittaurgarh.

Many curious eyes were bloated with awe and faces held stupendous expressions. People of different land were in different land under the leadership of King Atticus.

King Atticus along with his elder son Augustus, was in India to do some trade as India's silk, jewels and spices were highly appreciated back in Florence . Though the trade was very limited due to long distance but King Atticus shared a very cordial bond with Maharaj Vikram Singh Rajput. They knew each other since Arab introduced them.

Despite being in his late sixties, King Atticus had an aura which screamed power and royalty. In the morning, when Ritha was doing her practice, he was watching it from afar. He was highly impressed after seeing the girl's fighting skills specially the way she flawlessly moved heavy sword.

Now, his son Prince Augustus! A gentleman with acute looks and obtuse feeling. A prince whose head was supposed to wear the crown making it heavier instead, it made his heart immobile with sorrows. A prince who was supposed to wear the necklace of power being the eldest son instead, that necklace was choking him. To sum up, he was a troubled serenity. Heavily troubled one!

Right now, his retina was absorbing and forming images of the beautiful artistic palace but larger fraction of his mind was not addressing them, rather, they were forming images of his son.

Sunrays were glorifying his magnificent blue eyes while his chiseled jaw was locked, not tightly but firmly. Brunette hair was being swooshed around randomly with warm, more like hot breeze. His physical features were intense and immensely beautiful but his heart was marred badly which wasn't very pretty to look at.

With the death of his wife, Prince Augustus formed a cocoon around himself which was tough to break. He was a focused and man of very less words but after his beloved Valentina's death, it was pretty hard to get any emotions out of him. Emotions? Those words were very foreign to him. His body drowned in numbness often compelling him to become one of the stars beside his beloved but one flashing image of his giggling son was more that enough to bring him back to harsh reality.

Soldiers used to shiver in their training under him. He was a very good leader but army wasn't a slap on the wrist for him. One mistake lead to straight four more hours of intense training.

Nobody could look into the Prince's eyes and deny him. It was like signing the death wish and he was very particular about his army. He himself was a master of each form of fighting , be it sword fighting, archery or defence technique . People who had witnessed him in war just shuddered at his image. Once he was in the battlefield, it was like beast has unleashed himself . Riding horse with the speed of wind, his spontaneity was his key factor. Using his mind according to the situation was a bonus added in it.

While his father was busy admiring the girl's strength, he was busy thinking about Rome.Seeing the weak governance of old King Victor, king of Rome, surrounding kingdoms found it a perfect opportunity to win Rome and mark it as their own territory. Main fight was in between kingdom of Sicily and Florence. Both had important place in the history of Italia.Well, there was something else which connected them. It was small Justus , son of Augustus and Valentina. Everyone's heart used to squeeze in pain by seeing the poor boy of two years old who never got to see the face of his mother. Augustus desperately wanted to go back to Florence and hold his son in his arms .

Anyone could see Prince Augustus was a very loving father, an obedient son, responsible brother and most importantly cared for his people

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Anyone could see Prince Augustus was a very loving father, an obedient son, responsible brother and most importantly cared for his people. Legally, he was the next heir of the throne of Florence but his brothers were not ready to accept it but they needed to find a permanent solution to this problem because winning Rome was way more important. Their relationship with Sicily came to standstill and the solution which they thought could help them actually added more to the bitterness in already ruined relations.
King Atticus of Florence thought that it was a wise decision to marry his eldest son Augustus to Princess of Sicily ,Princess Valentina but it went futile. With death of his beloved daughter, king of Sicily ,Cassius cut all the ties with Florence. He blamed Augustus for his daughter's death.
Internal fights, losing his love and seeing his son without a mother was taking a toil over Augustus's mental health. He couldn't find anyone trustworthy enough to share his feelings. His brothers Felix, Linus and Magnus used to hate him with the depth of their heart. It was just his younger brother, Marcus who wasn't hostile towards him. In fact, he loved and considered Augustus's words way more important than his father. But now something was going in his father's mind which could change his life drastically.

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