Chapter 11

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CHAPTER XI My Brother's Keeper





     Carter pulled up to the location where Mirko instructed for him to meet him at, it was another ware house and it was pitch black outside. As he waited for Mirko's arrival he pulled out his phone and called Giselle.

              "Hello?" She answered on the first the ring.

At first Carter didn't say anything and he just stayed quiet for a few moments. "Bae, I got to tell you something?"

          "You gotta tell me something like what Carter? What's going on?" She asked, worried about him and his safety.

         "Mirko is the one who killed my dad." He told her.

  Giselle grew to be confused, not following what Carter was saying at because she couldn't see Mirko doing anything like that. "Baby what? Out of all people Mirko? You gotta be tripping babe."

        "No I'm not Giselle. He killed my dad, and he killed Juice and all those people a few months back. I just ain't say shit about it covering for him. But he killed my fuckin' pops man."

        "W-w-wait why would Mirko want to kill your dad? Your not making sense."

       "I don't even know babe it gotta be something to do with his mom, all I know is the other night when I got shot at he set that shit up, and I found matches and fire starter from out of the garage in his room bae.... He on some crazy shit."

      "So what are you about to do baby. Please don't do anything stupid or get your self killed. This shit is crazy bruh, because I don't even see Mirko being like this."

         "I gotta get him before he get me." Carter stated. "If I'm not home in a hour, call the police."

      "Baby wait—"

Mirko pulled up right beside Carter and parked his car.

     "I gotta go baby, I love you." Carter said before he hung up the phone. Mirko and Carter both got out of the car at the same time and dapped each other up.

          "What's up?" Mirko asked him.

          "Nothin, so who in here?" He pointed to the warehouse.

          "Oh my nigga Mac and Shawn.... I don't really trust these niggas so I just wanted you to watch my back, you know?"

       "I can dig it."

  Mirko then walked in front of Carter going towards the building, and Carter palms began to sweat as he went into his jacket and pulled out his strap and pressed it behind Mirko's dome, that cause Mirko to slowly turn around.

       "What's going on Carti? Talk to me?"

       "What's going on?" Carter jerked his head back. "Shit, I don't know, you tell me. You the one being a snake towards ya own flesh and blood."

      "What you talkin bout?" Mirko asked dumbfounded.

     "You know what the fuck I'm talking bout! You killed my pops? For what man? Was it really that serious? Did you have to do that? Why?" Carter asked with tears swelling up in his eyes.

      Mirko licked his lips and stared down at his feet. "He got my moms killed Carter? Over some punk ass money, and stole everything that she left behind. And what I was suppose to just let that shit ride?! This whole fuckin' family shit has been a whole fucking joke bro! I was just a dollar sign to ya mama and pops man! How you think that make me feel? I ain't got no real family."

    Carter release his finger from the trigger and shedded tears as he stared at his brother. "I don't believe my dad got her killed bro...what are you talking bout?"

       "Man I wouldn't lie about no shit like that, my mom had 600 grand... how you think we got the nice house, the cars and shit! All of that came from my mom... he killed her behind some money! And then had the nerve to tell me that she died from cancer, and then I thought maybe she odeed but during that time she was going to rehab and getting her shit together... she left and she was coming back for me. And he took her."

              "You for real man? I don't want to believe that."

            "Well believe it nigga! Woody was a fucking snake! He never gave not one fuck about me and I was his son bro... and ya mom pretended to love me the whole time! And it's been fake love this whole fucking time!"

        Carter sniffled. "You should've told me man, it wasn't no fake love with me! I love you man, and you tried to set me up what the fuck was that about! You was gonna punish me for their mistakes! I took a bullet for you nigga! I ride for you nigga! And you was gonna off me! The worst part about it, is at my dads funeral you said it was hurting you too... you said you loved me and you was there for me but the whole time you was the fucking snake that did it bro! You don't understand how much you fucked me up! Why would you do that to me Mirk!"

        "I'm sorry! But yo daddy to my mama from me... why would he do that shit to me."

Carter put his gun down and put his hands over his face, then looked at Mirko who began sobbing, apart of him hated his brother for what he did and the other part under stood him and felt sorry but he knew he couldn't feel sorry for him after how he played things he didn't know how.

        "Carti, you can be mad at me just give me a hug bro. I'm sorry."

       "Nah, I don't want no fucking hug." He said wiping his tears away.

      "Come on man!" Mirko grabbed him and the two had a brotherly hug, holding on to each other tight and Mirko cried into Carters shoulder, then while Carter was getting his frustrations out he pulled out his gun and shot him in the stomach twice. Carter held on to his stomach  and fell the ground and Mirko started running towards his car.

         "Aye Mirk!" Carter called out with gun pointed towards him and Mirko turned around in shock, not knowing that Carter was protected by a bullet proof vest under his jacket. "You gon have to be smarter than that nigga"

             Crack! Crack! Crack!

Snakes. Snakes come in many different forms, a snake can be someone you call a friend, lover or someone you even consider as family. A snake is hard to catch and sometimes even hard to recognize. For it camouflage with the crowd. A snake will befriend you, a snake will pretend to love you to the point it's hard to believe they will betray you because they will give you the world, the shirt off their back, go to war for you but the whole time their intentions aren't as pure as yours. Mine came in a form of a brother, that I would lay my life on the line for and i thought he would do the same for me. But I sadly mistaken because he didn't think twice to take me out in cold blood. Remember, don't put nothing pass anybody. A snake can be anybody and can hiss and bite when least expected. - Carter



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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2019 ⏰

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