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"Ooga Booga BDSM"

As their private parts enlarged, Mike realized that it was way past his bedtime. He had spent too much time with Celia at the bar and needed to go home to take his Prozac before 11:30. It was 11:26 as he checked his ifootphone.

"I-I need to get home, Randy.." Mike stuttered.

"Is okay. Give me your number."

Mike typed his phone number on the keypad

6 6 6 - 6 9 9 - 6 9 6 9

[ Idk if this a legit number lemme check

Update: Nah its an old man telling me the call can't be completed as dialed ]

Randy pulled his gold glistening grill out and stated, "I'll text you."

Mike turned away and Randy slapped his bouncy, full asscheeks and Mike's face turned red.

Randy smirked as he watched Mike walk down the alleyway, thinking of their next meetup.


Mike had dozed off while laying on his stained navy blue futon. He woke up to the sound of his vegetarian vegetable soup full of healthy and hearty veggies boiling over and evaporating into steam on the lit flame.

His eye split opened and the bright living room lights peered through his eyelid, just like a baby first being born and seeing the blinding hospital lighting.

He slid on his hand sewn scallop slippers and scurried over to the stove to turn down the heat.

When he got there, he glanced up through the pitch window, for a second, believing that someone or something was standing in the alleyway.

Nothing was there.

He dismissed it and while popping his 6750mg Prozac, he poured his vegetarian vegetable soup onto a flat ass plate, grabbing a fork the size of his long and thick reproductive member, and then lunged himself back onto the futon.

He turned the TV on, flipping channels until one of them caught his eye. It was a XXX rated channel...(ooga booga)

Mike quickly ate the rest of his soup, giving him just enough time to catch the rest of the show.

He pushed the plate on the floor and pulled out his small slender bright ass neon green member. He tugged like the moms pulling that weighted rope in their Pilates class and he had no desire to turn back.

Mike noticed his penis was a little dry so he picked up the soup plate and slid his penis against it, picking up some of the vegetarian vegetable juices left on the plate, hoping the warmth wetness would supply some lubrication.

Little did he know, he also picked up a green bean.

He tugged and tugged, watching the multiple-eyed demonatrix BDSM men bend over and beat their weak boyfriends for Mike was into being shamed.

The green bean slid down in between his balls and provided a slight cushioning to his cock torture. As he beat his dick like a meat grinder, the force popped out the beans from their casing, and they slid down to the gaping hole that was his anal cavity. He took his free hand and pushed those beans inside, creating a homemade version of anal beads. His ass was a green-bean-eatin'-machine.

Mike moaned in pleasure, as his big load was slowly climbing to the very tippity top of his chapstick sized green persian cucumber.

A scene of monster men were arranged in a human centipede fashion, with the ringmaster holding an ass paddle. He began slapping the last monster's ass and his mouth bit the ass in front of him, making that man bite the ass in front of him and it continued so on.

Mike saw this, imagining what it would be like to kneel on his four limbs in that same position. He wanted someone to nibble slightly on his asscheeks. The thought of that position and someone taking a HUGE chomp on his cheeks, made the warm white icing slide up inside the interior walls of his genital organ.

He was getting so close to releasing the build up of his stinky white salty pus that it was becoming increasingly difficult to keep it in.

His body was quivering and he began to near the big release.

As he pumped his mini super soaker, he so intently watched as the monster men slapped each other's bosoms and tossed each others salads, almost as if they were throwing an Olive Garden themed party and were working as a team to prepare the appetizer salad.
When he saw a man lick another man's asshole, spelling out his name with his tongue, Mike lost it.

His body jolted, forcing Mike to stand up as his legs stood as straight as the act of licking pussy, knees locking.

it. was. COMING.

"aaaAAasfjoadjoif3ejwojc0feiifsdaaaAaAAAfwefwfawwfegAfdasfadsfdgregsafewAAQ OOGA FUCKING BOOGA," mike screamed in pleasure.

One would think that was his sweet release, but no, that was him nearing the release. His moans were now becoming so loud, there was no way his neighbors were not aware of his actions. Lucky enough, he kept a do not disturb door knob sign on his knob. They knew to stay away and not interrupt his current session.

He wiped his greenis ( green penis ) on what was left of his soup plate, and pumped his final pump.


Loads of cum shot everywhere, coating his futon and laying a nice line along his hardwood flooring. As he pumped his greenis so roughly for the last time, his balls quenched and his colon tightened, forcing the green beans to be pushed near the end of his anus. They trickled out of his asshole, sliding back onto the plate they first emerged from. Out of breath, Mike's body went immediately weak and he collapsed on his futon.

"Holy nonindigenous beans of Columbus," Mike barely breathed out.
He then heard a knock on his door.

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