Crayon thoughts and demonic distraught

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Your alarm blared at you to get up. You dazedly grabbed your phone and scrolled through your feed. No notifications. "Figures." You mumbled as you got up to get dressed. You pulled out two shirts. "Hmm, which one should I wear today...?" you mumbled to yourself looking into the mirror at your two options. Suddenly some of the glass fogged up as you saw an invisible finger glide on the spot to write,

'WEAr gREen onE yu Looke pretty in iT.'

"Thanks, I don't think I could decide. Also, I'm getting changed you need to get out. You know the rules."

'mM oKAY byE SuNshiNE!!'

"Oh, you've given me a pet name ...sure why not." You said awkwardly.

Once changed, you yawned your way into the kitchen. You refilled and turned on the kettle, preparing to make your preferred morning beverage. Leaning back against the countertop, you casually went to place your elbows down on the surface to support yourself and stretch your back, but you came into contact with something slimy, cold and utterly unexpected making you jump back. You pulled your arm up that felt the strange substance to see that it was lightly coated with a trail of brown sauce? You leant in and sniffed it cautiously. It was barbeque sauce. You turned to look at the counter had not noticed the path of the sauce covering the counter. It took you a couple seconds to realise it was writing.

It was slightly smudged because your forearm smeared it slightly, but it read,

'YOu hav a date wiTH that gUY todae?? Yees?'

You grunted frustratedly and opened your fridge to examine the barbecue sauce bottle. It was nearly empty.

"I thought we talked about this, B? Stop using condiments as communication. I can't keep replacing them and it makes everything all sticky." You sighed placing your hands on your hips and looking into the empty space of the kitchen. You grabbed a square of paper towel, clicking your tongue as you wiped up the latest message "Besides, you're not the one cleaning this up. And yes, I'm going out on a date tonight, so I'll be home late. Are you okay with that?"

The silent being answered back after a couple moments as you heard one sturdy knock on the wall next to you.

It's been a few weeks since you've met friend. You have no idea when he showed up or if he's been here before you moved in but lately, he's been making his presence more and more aware. It started out with objects being moved on their own, things you could have sworn were in their designated spots, now moved to random spots you'd never consider. Like your trusty wallet which had its spot on the coffee table is now at your bedside table with all the cards inside rearranged through what you assumed had been colour coordination. Or sometimes lost items would become recovered, things you couldn't find for days at a time conveniently showed up in plain sight. Sometimes it's your clothes. Normally it's clothes. He better not be taking your clothes.

Once you caught onto the peculiar situation you assumed, he must have gotten excited because he started writing full blown-out messages to talk to you. As of now, you found out that he's a male, awful at spelling and he only goes by as 'B' in his cryptic and completely cursed sentences.

Due to them being extremely brief, getting to know him isn't easy.

However, you found out recently that he can, in fact, hear you, but you can't hear him, so you established a very basic form of a yes and no answering system. Two knocks on a surface mean 'yes' whereas one means 'no'.

Every part of you screams out that talking to him isn't not a good idea and you should have every reason to be concerned, especially since this guy is a complete stranger and his interactions alone high-key confirm that ghosts or the supernatural are a real thing, but you're so goddamn alone in your apartment so company - even if it's a presence that owns no voice or physical appearance is welcomed. Anyways, for all you know, B could be just as lonely as you are. It's a weird relationship you two share but you both are contented. He's like a weird roommate.

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