Too Much

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Pairing:Krystal×Male reader!


{Krystal POV}

There's people everywhere.They surrounded me as I try to process what actually happened.All I wanted was some time with y/n before he had to go back to his studio to finished his work.

I were with him in LA while he recorded some of his songs for his upcoming album.We had been there for 2 weeks already and the only time when I see him was when he would get back late to the hotel and i'm already sleeping,or when he leave so early in the morning to go to his studio and he accidentally wake me up while he getting ready.

I knew he was struggling with his upcoming album.It effect him both mentally and physically.He did not sleeping much,and talk to me when something was clearly wrong.So today,I take him for a walk along the Venice beach in hope he could relax himself for a day without worry about his work.

It turned out the otherwise.Within the 20 minutes we left our hotel on the way to the beach,someone had leaked his location.Now,it was so crowded that it make us hard to walk because they surround us.They grab my hair,elbowing my stomach.

y/n was frustrated just like me.The look on his face said it.The main thing he focusing on is me,despite all the cameras being shoved in his face.He pulled me to his side,one of his hands wrapped around my waist while I buried my face into his shoulder.He tried to push the so called fangirls of him away cause they was hurting me by trying to grabbed me in inappropriate way.I can't understand why y/n can't get one day off and enjoy it peacefully without being disturb.

"I'll try to get us out of here,love.I promise you.",you whispered into krystal ear.

She could just nodded and stay quiet cause she afraid something more worst would happen if she say something.

But then she saw two of your friends which is Jae and June,pushing people
out of the way and they grabbed your hand,pulling the both of you out from the mess.They take you guys to the car and quickly drives away from there to avoid more fans chasing you guys.

"Shh,everything's alright,hun.I'm here with you and nothing gonna happen.",you whispered while you kissed her forehead and pulled her closer to you so she could lean her head on your shoulder.

"You two alright?",June asked you from the front seat.

"Yeah,we're okay.Thanks for saving us,buddy.",you said

"No problem,dude.It was our responsibility to keep you and your girlfriend safe.Now,get some rest while we on the way to the hotel.",Jae said

"Okay.",you said before you and krystal take some rest and sleep for a while.

[25 minutes later]

<in the hotel room>

"I'm so so sorry,baby.",you said while both of you sitting on the bad comfortably and facing each other.

"For?",she was so clueless about what you're talking.

"For what had happen to you.",you wiped the remaining stain of tears on her face,the other rest on her waist.

"Babe,that wasn't your fault at all.Nothing that happened just now was your fault at all.It's not you that asked your fans to come.It's their fault,not you hun.",she replied softly and notice you still remained quiet.

"I know it.But,look at what they done to you.I can't keep quiet when they hurt my loved ones.When they hurt you,it hurts me too. "

"I'm just shocked with it,okay."

"If that's it,then okay.I just don't like seeing you hurt.I promised to your sister that I gonna protect you until my last breath no matter what."

"y/n please,don't blame yourself.It's not your fault at all.You already tried your best to protect me.That's all I want ok.For you to always be there for me and don't leave me.I'm going to support you forever and I'll always be your number one fans.Stop blaming yourself,okay?",she place one of her hands on your cheek.Her other hand was at the back of your neck caressing it.

You slowly leaned in to kiss her.The kiss isn't the one you guys usually have.This kiss was full of emotion and love with passion.Your hands found their way to her hips before squeeze it.You walked her to the bed and let her lay down before you lay on top of her.

"God,I love you so much.",you mumbled and looked at her with full of love.

"I love you too,baby.",she said before you two kissing each other back.

Let's say,that kiss lead to a very memorable night for you guys that you would forever remember.

◇The end◇
-I hope you guys liked it🤗..I'm sorry if it's boring and suck😔..I'm still busy with my exam and I won't update anything until my exam finished.

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