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- Her inviting your to her house and then you getting hurt by her dad because she's is "His Little Girl"

-After that you guys would spend all the time at your house

-you guys drawing together and kissing each other all the time

- you teaching her how to play the ukulele and her singing while you play

- you guys cuddling on your couch and watching the tv

- Or listening to records and dancing with her, you holding her close and kissing her cheek and face

-if anyone would hurt Bev, you would beat them almost to death before she stopped you, then she would tell you how proud she is of you and how much you meant to her

-You would never want to hurt her or make her sad, so you constantly ask her how she is feeling and if she still loves you

-and every time you ask, the answer is always
"I love you. With all my fucked up heart, even the things I don't like, I've learned to love"

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