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- Your sitting on the bathroom floor, crying
- Bill walks in and sees you and freaks out
- " Y/N! What's w-wrong? Why are you c-crying?"
- "Bill I....I'm pregnant."
-His eyed light up and he kisses your lips
- "y/n! That's amazing, I'm so happy for you, for us!"
- He stands you up and hugs you super tight, kissing your cheek and lips

- He walks into your room and your holding a pregnancy test
- "Y/n? What's that?"
- "Richie, I think I might be pregnant..."
- He starts panicking and freaking out
- "Richie, hey! It's okay, everything will be okay. We can do this, we can raise a baby together"
- He starts to calm down and looks down into your hand, the test says positive
- A tear falls on his cheek and he hugs you and spins you around

- You and Eddie were trying to have a babu for 6 months
- You take a pregnancy test every morning after
- One lucky morning you take the test and it says, positive
- You decide to leave a scavenger hunt for Eddie for when he comes home from work
- He follows it, whilst calling your name
- He finds you sitting on your bed holding the test
- He starts crying once he realizes that your pregnant, he picks you up and holds you in his arms

- You guys were in the subway, coming home from lunch when you started to feel dizzy and sick
- "Hey y/n, are you okay?" He says when you start to stumble over your feet
- You faint into his arms and you get rushed to the hospital
- The doctor comes back and gives Stanley the great news, that your pregnant
- He is so happy and exited to be a dad that while your sleeping he goes to the store and buys a baby blanket, teddy bear and a " Worlds Best Mama" cup
- He sets them on the table beside you and waits for you to wake up so he can tell you the news

- You guys started trying for a baby and on your first try you get pregnant
- You set the test on his lap and walk away
- "Woah hey! Come back here lady"
- You smile at him as he cups your face and kisses your lips
- "You will be the best mother ever y/n"

- For the past week you had started to have some pregnancy signs so you decided to tell Ben
- "Y/n, we should get you tested so we know for sure"
- You guys go to the doctor to get the test done
- While your waiting you start to cry and get super scared
- "Y/n! Hey look at me, everything will be okay, it's going to be fine"
- He hugs you and strokes your hair and kisses your temple to calm you down
- The doctor comes back and tells you your that your pregnant
- You and Ben both burst into tears of joy and hug each other so tight that the baby might be dead now

- You and Bev were trying to get a sperm donor for a while, and now that you have one, you keep to a secret from Bev
- After about a week she asks about when the call is supposed to come and you just smile at her
- You hand her the positive pregnancy test and she almost faints because she is so happy
- You and her spend the rest of the night planning out things for the baby and calling family members to tell them that you got pregnant

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