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Currently I was sleeping peacefully on one of the bed's in the church I lived in for so long that it kinda seemed like home to me, while I was sleeping I felt a warm pair of arms go underneath me then with some difficulty raised me up, not wanting to wake up I just try to ignore it and keep sleeping

Only to be waken up when whoever was carrying me dropped me into a bathtub filled with cold water which made me immediately get up from the freezing cold liquid and glare at who I knew was responsible

In front of me with a large innocent smile on her face was the nun that took care of me for most of my life, she looks like a young woman with long, auburn hair, pale skin, and bright eyes that are described to be like soft, wet soil in color. She wears a standard nun uniform that is consistent in design to those who belong to the Roman Catholic faith. The uniform itself is a long, black, single piece dress that reaches down to her feet, the dress also has long sleeves reaching down to her wrists. The dress has a white collar and a long black veil.

Y/n: what the hell was that for

I yelled out at the nun while she just kept on staring at me innocently

Celica: nothing, just making sure that your up and ready for school, something you still didn't learn to do during this year, anyway go wash up since right now you stink, once your done go put on the school's uniform I put next to the door

With that said she opened the door then was about to close it, but not before saying one more thing

Celica: by the way, don't say something like that again, or else I'll pull out stuff your mouth with soap again

Now saying everything she wanted to tell me, she closed the door, seeing nothing else for me to do I took off my now wet pajamas then wash my body using a brick of soap, once I was done washing myself, I grabbed my uniform which was where celica said it was, put it on and look at me self in the mirror to see my long spiky blond hair, and emerald green eyes

Seeing that I was ready I got out of the bathroom, grabbed my bag that was on the living room table and was about to head out-

Celica: wait!

Only for celica to stop me, slowly I looked back at her and wait to know what else she wants me to do so I can leave

Y/n: what is it now?

Celica: you forgot to pray to them y/n

Wondering who she meant, I looked around only to stop when my eyes looked on three feminine statues that look mechanical that never once moved a inch ever since I was here

Wondering who she meant, I looked around only to stop when my eyes looked on three feminine statues that look mechanical that never once moved a inch ever since I was here

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Seeing that this was it I walked up to the three statues, put my hands together then closed my eyes

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Seeing that this was it I walked up to the three statues, put my hands together then closed my eyes

Y/n: dear nirvana, ignis, and Minerva, thank you for all you've done from the beginning, and end of your 'life's', I pray that you'll bring me, and all I know the same gratitude celica was given by you all

Once I was done saying what celica basically forced me to memorize while praying to these weird statues, I open my eyes then quickly run out of the church as fast as I could

Y/n: see you later celica!

As I was running to kuoh, I quickly stopped in my tracks one last time then run back to the church and grabbed something from my room and wear it over the blazer the school forced us to wear

The thing Was a red jacket that looked like a fusion of futuristic and modern clothing, and has two long thin tails

Y/n: I can't believe I almost forgot about this before I left

Now having everything I needed I FINALLY run out of the church and ran to kuoh academy


Y/n: man that was a pain in the ass

I say while cracking my neck making several loud cracks, today at school was the same as every other day, teachers just repeat what they said yesterday, everyone either is somewhat listening or not at all, and everyone just goes and talk about who they like from the opposite sex to there friends, others express that knowledge a little too loudly

After a couple of minutes of walking I looked to see some girl with black hair wearing a uniform that I don't recognize whatsoever, wondering what she wants I stopped in front of her

Y/n:... so do you have a reason to get in my way or are you just waiting for someone?

???: no, the person I'm looking for is already here

Y/n: oh really? Let me guess, it's m-

Before I could finish my sentence, I felt something piercing my body making me look down to see a spear made of light stabbed through my gut, wondering who did It I followed the spear to see that the girl was the one responsible for this, and was doing it all with a smile on her face

???: good, your at least smart enough to figure that out, but too bad your not clever enough to figure out someone wants to kill you, also if you want anyone to blame, blame the man upstairs

With that she kicked me off of her spear making me splat on the ground with me blood turning the street red, meanwhile the girl got out a pair of black feathered wings then flew away while I die

Y/n:... y-you're k-kidding? O-O-Out of all of the ways I could die... I-I die like this? Hm, guess this isn't my lucky day

Thinking that I Have no other choice but to accept this, I closed my eyes awaiting death, only to instead feel something about me changing in some way before I eventually passed out due to blood loss

(So what do you think? Good? Bad? Tell me in the comments)

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