Ch 3 a stray turned snake

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Right now me and the orc were standing in front of a abandoned house in the middle of the woods, knowing that this is the place we went inside and looked around the place

As we got inside I looked up only to let out a gasp in shock which made the others look where I was staring at to see that there were countless of dead bodies covered with cuts and bruises hanged upside down by multiple chains with a black snake head attachment

Upon seeing the carnage most likely left by the stray, most of the peerage let out a gasp similar to mine but not as loud while Rias tsk

Rias: dammit, looks like the stray has gotten much more sadistic when she left her master, ok everyone snap out of it, the longer you look at the body's in shock, your chances of you being next increases

At that we quickly stopped gawking at the body's and start to walk deeper inside of the house, as we were walking around I see that my king stares at me curiously

Rias: tell me y/n, do you know the rules to chess?

Y/n: yeah, me and celica sometimes play it when we don't have much to do at the moment, what about it?

Rias: as the master I'm the king, my empress the king, my cavalier is the knight, my tank is the rook, and spell casters the bishop, and my foot soldier the pawn. Every high class devil are given 8 pawns, two knight, rook, and bishop pieces and one queen piece while the king is only for them, we have a special name for them called evil pieces

Y/n: well that doesn't sound original whatsoever, and why are you telling me this

Rias: I want you to watch and learn while we fight this stray, pay close attention to your teammates as they do battle here tonight

Y/n: ok then, but if they seem as if there in trouble, I'll step in and try to help them in some way

Rias: you don't have to do that but I'm prettier they appreciate the thought

She says while akeno and kiba proved her point my giving me a bit of a smile, before we can continue moving we saw koneko stop suddenly making us be on guard

Koneko: it's here, wait no there here?

As she said that, We watch as four people that has there body covered in cuts come out from the shadows to reveal to us that there each holding large planks of wood, but what was most noticeable about them was the fact that there eyes have no life in them whatsoever, they look more like a reanimated corpse then a living person and possibly may look more dead then a actual reanimated corpse

Y/n: something tells me there not here to run out of here or be friendly with us

Rias: I feel the same way y/n, now then stand back and watch as your teammates takes care of them

She says while all of them got into a fighting stance and wait for one of the lifeless body's to attack them, after a while of waiting, two of the lifeless Body's charged at kiba and koneko who keeps dodging to the side whenever her opponent swings there plank of wood at her meanwhile kiba keeps disappearing and reappearing behind the lifeless body whenever it try's to attack him then give it a small cut across its body which it didn't even flinch at

Rias: anyway as my knight, kiba gains enhanced speed which makes him untouchable, add that with his sacred gear and you get the best knight I have ever witnessed

To punctuate that, I watch as kiba finally stops playing around then go behind the body and stab it in the chest, not even effected but the sudden pain in its chest the lifeless body turned towards kiba and try to punch him only for him to duck under its punch and make a sword appear to his hand when his fist was below its head making the newly made sword to piece through its skull killing it

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